1.我所做的只是不断重复。What I do,just keep repeating .

2.我现在做的一切都是为了追求完美。Everything I do now,is in pursuit of more perfect。

3.想放弃的时候,请想想是什么让你当初坚持到这里。When you want to give up,think about what makes you in sist on here。

4.如果我觉得有什么不对劲,我会继续训练,直到我是对的。If I feel something is wrong、I will stay in that constantly training和until I do it right。

5.我知道我打得像屎一样,但你们不知道我为不那么拉屎付出了多大努力。I know I played like crap,but you don ' t know me in order to let oneself have less like shit,how much effort。

6.如果你成功了,你要牺牲很多东西。If you want to success,you want to sacrifice a lot of。

7.如果你害怕失败,那就意味着你已经输了。If you fear of failure,that means you have lost。

8.总有一个人会赢,那为什么不能是我!There is always a person want to win,that is why can't I!

9.朋友走来走去,总冠军的旗帜一直在那里,随风飘扬。Friends come and go,but the championship banner has been there,blowing in the wind。

10.当我退休的时候,我想回头看看我走过的路。每天,我都奉献了我的一切!When I retire、I want to look back the way I walked past、every day和I have paid my all!

11.英雄是暂时的,但传说是1岁。Heroes are temporary,but the legend is forever。

12.想要得到一切,就要付出一切,征服一切。Get everything,you have to pay all,conquer all things .

13.如果你爱一件事,你会为它克服一切困难-Kobe!if you love a thing you will overcome all difficulties-Kobe for it!

14.讨厌我。因为我渴望你的伟大,伟大,要付出什么代价。Hate me、because I desire your great、great和need at all costs .

15.要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明自己,证明你能迎接挑战。should seize every opportunity to prove to every one that you,prove that you are able to meet the challenge .

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Seize today, don't believe tomorrow.

I can accept failure, but I can't accept giving up.

Second place means you is the number one loser!

Pressure and challenges, all the negative things are to be able to succeed I catalyst.

Bowed their heads and not give up, it is to see his own way; Please not proud, is to see their own sky.

You, you are not my opponent.

If you fear failure, you will fail.

If you fear of failure, that means you have lost.

Catch prey animals and how to care about tiny worms.

My hearing is getting worse, hear boos in each stadium.

My biggest enemy is yourself.

Stick to out of the road to your dreams.

I know that the appearance of Los Angeles at four o 'clock in the morning every day.

I don't want to do the second Jordan, I only want to make the first Kobe Bryant.

Even Jesus, people often bears a grudge against him, I don't need to explain anything.

When I retire, I want to look back the way I walked past, every day, I have paid my all!


