
1.“always borrow money from a pessimist . he won ' t expect it back”


2.“first the doctor told me the good news : I was going to have a disease nemed after me”-Steve Martin’


3." people who think they know everying are a great annoyance to those of us who do "-is AAC ASI mvo "


4.“do not take life too seriously . you will never get out it alive”-El Bert Hubbard’


5.“the only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets”-ai mcguire’


6.“never under any circumstances,take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night。”-Dave Barry '


7.' if you think nobody cares if you ' re alive,try missing a couple of payments . '-flip Wilson '


8.“a woman ' s mind is cleaner than a man ' s she changes it more often。”-Oliver herford '


9.“I intend to live forever.so far,so good。”-steverwright '


10.“to err is human,to blame it on somebody else shows manage ment potential。-unkown '



