Inspirational Sports Quotes令人激动的体育界名言

1.“just do it!”-尼克!“想做就做!”——耐克

2.“I ' ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career . I ' ve lost almost 300 games . 26 times,I ' ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and MMS我一次又一次地失败了。这就是我成功的原因。点击——迈克尔乔丹

3.“sports do not build character . they reveal it。”Heywood broun“体育不能积累人格,但可以展现人格。”——海伍德布伦

4.“winners never quit and quitters never win”Vince Lombardi“winner中途不放弃,中途放弃的人永远没有取得胜利。”——本斯伦巴第杯

5." finding good players is easy。getting them to play as a team is another story”Casey ST Engel“找到好球员很容易,但很难有团队意识——卡西斯坦格尔

6.“a good hockey player plays where the puck is。a great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be。”Wayne gretzky“一个伟大的冰球运动员将预测冰球的走向。”——韦恩格雷茨基

7.“people ask me what I do in winter when there ' s no baseball . I ' ll tell you what I do . I stare out the window and wait for spring我会告诉你我要做什么。我望着窗外,期待春天的到来。”——罗杰斯霍恩斯比

8.“if winning isn't everything,why do they keep score?”Vince Lombardi“如果胜利不是一切,为什么要在比赛中得分?”——文斯伦巴第

9.“there are only two seasonswinter and baseball。”bill veeck“世界上只有两个季节:有棒球的季节和没有棒球的季节。”——维尔维克

10.“every strike brings me closer to the next home run。”BABE RUTH“每次碰撞都在下一个本垒打中更进一步。”——巴比鲁斯

11.“fans don ' t boo nobodies”reggie Jackson“粉丝们不会对无名之辈发出嘘声。”——雷吉杰克逊

12.“you don't play against opponents,you play against the game of basketball。”bobby knight“不要专注于与对手的比赛,要专注于篮球——鲍比奈特

13.“pitching is the art of instilling fear”sandy kou fax“投球也是一种灌输恐惧的艺术。”——圣迪科帕斯

14.“baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer”ted willer ——泰德威廉姆斯

15.“you wouldn ' t have won if we ' d beaten you。”yogi berra“如果我们赢了你,你就不会赢。”——尤基贝拉



