Eileen gu,the part-time teen model and world champion skier tasked with leading China ' s winter Olympics medal push


Two years ago,Eileen gu ailing made a decision that may have unknowingly changed the course of free stylesking .


the then-15-year-old swapped her team USA colours in favour of representing her mother ' s birth place of China,Explaining on insta

当时15岁的顾爱玲(15岁)代表自己所在球队的颜色,以美国为代表,改为代表中国(她母亲的出生地)。她在insta gram上解释说:“刺激我母亲出生的地方的数百万年轻人”和“促进我爱的运动的机会”。

though she has often reiterated her pride for her American upbringing and Chinese heritage,Gu hoped to use her generational talents and ever-riri


the mainland confirmed in January it had reached the milestone ahead of its homebeijing 2022 winter Olympics(2月4日至20日),While " shile



1.滑雪者/滑雪者。r/a per son who滑雪者

he is an enthusiastic skier . 2 . swap/SWP/to exchange one thing for another……。

重复I ' ll swap these two bottles for that one . 3 . reiterate/rit . r . et/to say something again,once or several times

she reiterated that she had never seen him before . 4 . house hold/has . HLD/known to almost every one;Very familiar是众所周知的

she became a house hold name in the 1960s . 5 . grace/\ 6 rres/to be in a place,on a thing etc . and make it look more attractive如下所示

her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world。重点句型

that may have unknowingly changed the course of free stylesking .



US-born Gu,18,Speaks fluent English and mandarin . Beijing-native mother Yan was always keen to imprint Chinese culture and valuue


aside from the past two pandemic-ridden years,They have been returning to China every summer since gu was a child . her mixed-race appearance


gu is also proudly bearing the flag for Chinese females in a Sport that is heavily dominated by men . though she still sees herself as a minority in the Sport



