


“得道者得到很多帮助,迷路者得不到帮助。”(《孟子 公孙丑下》)

—— one who has the moral force will have many to support him,and one who has not the moral force will have few to support him。

"不要对别人做自己不想做的事。"(《论语 颜渊》)

—— never impose upon others what you dislike yourself。/do not do to others what you would not want to have them do to you。

“想要速度就不行”(《论语 子路》)

—— if you make haste,you cannot reach your goal。/more haste,无速度。

“三个人,一定要有我们的师傅。选择那条线的人来自他,那条线不好的人改变了它。(这句话。)(《论语 述而》)

—— when walking in the company of othermen,there must be one I can learn something shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for rror

"敏感好学,不耻下问。"(《论语 公冶长》)

—— intelligent and fond of learning,he was not ashamed to ask and learn from his inferiors。

“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。这叫做大丈夫。"(《孟子 滕文公下》)

—— not to be corrupted by riches or honors;not to depart from principle despite poverty or humble origin;And not to submit to force or threat。



—— no water is wide enough when you have crossed the sea;no cloud is beautiful but that which crowns the peak。


—— if you ' ve a friend afar who knows your heart,distance can't keep you two apart .


—— nothing else is so worthy as the activity of learning。


—— for a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few;in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many。


—— for a grander sight,climb to a greater height。


—— not fearing the floating clouds will obscure my vision,only as I my self am on the highest level。


