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【有关诚信的名言警句英语】双语阅读:Honesty and trustworthiness |诚实可靠

a professor of psychology at The university of Massachusetts,Robert Feldman has spent most of his career studying The role deception plays in huu


q : what are the main findings of your research?


A: Not only do we lie frequently,But we lie without even thinking about it . people lie while they are getting acquainted an average of three tie


q : one of the reasons people get away with so much lying,your research suggests,is that we are all essentially dupes . why do we belies


a : this is what I call the liar ' s advantage . We are not very good at detecting deception in other people . when We are trying to detect hhh We look atD also be the result of being nervous,angry,Distracted or sad . even trained interrogators aren ' t able to detect deception at high rates .


What's more, a lot of the time, we don't want to detect lies in other people. We are unwilling to put forward the cognitive effort to suspect the veracity of statements, and we aren't motivated to question people when they tell us things we want to hear. When we ask someone, "How are you doing", and they say, "Fine," we really don't want to know what their aches and pains are. So we take "Fine" at face value.


Q: Do you feel deception is a particularly relevant topic to our society?


A: We are living in a time and culture in which it's easier to lie than it has been in the past. The message that pervades society is that it's OK to lie-you can get away with it. One of the things I found in my research is that when you confront people with their lies, they very rarely display remorse. Lying is not seen as being morally reprehensible in any strong way.


You can make the assumption that because it often makes social interactions go more smoothly, lying is OK. But there is a cost to even seemingly benign lies. If people are always telling you that you look terrific and you did a great job on that presentation, there's no way to have an accurate understanding of yourself. Lies put a smudge on an interaction, and if it's easy to lie to people in minor ways, it becomes easier to lie in bigger ways.


Q: You say in the book that recent DNA evidence suggests that 10%of people have fathers other than the men they believe conceived them. So is lying pretty widespread in our intimate lives too?


A: Research shows we lie less to people that we are close to. But when we do, they tend to be the bigger types of lies. And the fallout is greater if the deception is discovered.


Q: You show how lying is a social skill. Does that mean it's part of an evolutionary legacy?

问:您向我们表明了撒谎也是一种社交技能.那么这是否意味着它是人类演化遗产的一部分呢? A

: I don't think lying is genetically programmed. We learn to lie. We teach our kids to be effective liars by modeling deceitful behavior.


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