eight out of 10 18-year-olds world wide believe young people are in danger of being sexually abused or taken advantage of online,a unices


the poll on unwanted sexual comments,harassment and bullying online was run by Ipsos,which interviewed more than 10,000 teenagers from


" the poll findings show just how real the risk of online abuse is for girls and boys," said UNICEF ' s associate director of child protection“globally,one in three internet users is a child。

联合国儿童基金会全球儿童保护计划副主任Cornelius Williams说:“这项调查反映了网络虐待对青少年生活的影响有多真实,此外,世界上三分之一的互联网用户是儿童。”

“although online violence and exploitation is a reality in the lives of children world wide,Many children do not have the necessary knowledge

“虽然世界各地的网络暴力和剥削确实发生在儿童身上,但很多儿童仍然缺乏必要的常识或毫无防备。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure(美国电视),互联网名言)数字电子安全应该包括在教育课程中,父母应该注意网络安全,告诉他们遇到困难时的解决方案。”

children are at risk of cyber bullying,sextortionin which victims are blackmailed by threatening to post explicit images of them on the ining


an investigation by the guardian last month found that tens of thousands of children in the Philippines were believed to be victims of live-streate

,今年5月,《卫报》 (the Guardian)进行的调查显示,菲律宾可能有数千名儿童沦为网络色情直播的嫌疑人,他们被迫在直播中成功演出,以便海外观众付费观看。这种情况的肇事者往往是他们的父母。

UNICEF poll asked teenagers if they agree children and adolescents are in danger of being sexually abused or taken

advantage of online


Unicef said governments should coordinate responses between law enforcement, schools and internet providers to better protect children from online sexual abuse and exploitation.


The #WeProtect project, an international alliance led by the UK to fight internet child abuse, will provide £40m to Unicef this year. And the Child Rights Coalition Asia charity has produced education materials for children on how to stay safe online, much of it written by young people.

“我们提供保护”(#WeProtect)项目是英国倡导的一个全球联盟,致力于打击网络儿童虐待行为,今年将为联合国儿童基金会提供4千万英镑资金。儿童权利联盟亚洲基金会(Child Rights Coalition Asia charity)为儿童网络自卫制作了大量教育素材,其中许多内容是由年轻人编写。

The poll also found that most teenagers thought meeting new people online was either somewhat or very important to them, and 36% strongly believed they could tell when people were lying online about their identity. More than 80% said they believed they could deal with sexual comments on the web.


Eighteen-year-olds in the US and UK were the most confident that they could avoid online dangers, with 94% strongly or somewhat agreeing they could protect themselves on social media.


“Children have been facing abuse online for a couple decades,” said Afrooz Kaviani Johnson, a child protection expert at Unicef east Asia and Pacific. But she added: “There isn’t much information on how children are using the internet.”

联合国儿童基金会东亚、太平洋地区儿童保护专家Afrooz Kaviani Johnson说:“数十年来,网络虐童现象始终存在,”但她补充说,“可有关儿童如何使用互联网的信息却十分有限。”

Online child rights were treated as an “add-on” to tackling other forms of violence, and Kaviani Johnson said that had to change. “It is critical. It is something that we have to integrate. Online abuse is a reflection of what is happening at the home and in schools.”

Kaviani Johnson解释称,是时候改变观念,不再把儿童网络权利视作其他暴力形式的“附加品”。“现在到了关键时刻。我们必须联合行动。在网络上所遭受的虐待正是这些儿童在家庭和学校生活中的真实写照。”








