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3000用英语怎么说 英语翻译3000字左右 写论文用


英语翻译3000字左右 写论文用


如果你满意,应当加分的哦,下面是个完整的论文 About IC Card 关键字: IC卡ID卡接触式IC卡感应式IC卡射频IC卡电话IC卡 Keyword: IC card ID card contactless IC card contactless IC card RF IC card telephone IC card IC Card 又有时称为Smart Card.它是先将IC封装成module,然后嵌入到PVC等类型的塑料或其他材料制成的卡片上得到的. IC Card also called Smart Card, which is a first IC packaging module, and then embedded in PVC, and other types of plastic or other materials are on the cards. 根据其与外部通信方式可以分成两类: 接触式IC卡,射频IC卡. According to its external communications can be divided into two categories: contactless IC card, RF IC card. 一、接触式IC卡 First, contactless IC card 接触式IC卡通过触点与外界实现电气接触进行数据交换.其物理、电气特性应遵循ISO7816-1/2/3协议. Contactless IC card through contact with the outside world to achieve electrical contact data exchange. Its physical and electrical characteristics should follow ISO7816-1/2/3 agreement. ISO7816-1/2/3详细描述了接触式IC卡的物理尺寸、卡触点功能、通信协议等物理、电气规范. ISO7816-1/2/3 detailed description of the contactless IC card physical size, function cards contacts, communication protocols, such as physics, electrical specifications. 根据接触式IC卡的数据加密情况可以将接触式IC卡大致分为三类: 存储卡 、简单加密逻辑卡、 CPU卡 . According to the contactless IC card data can be encrypted contactless IC card will be roughly divided into three categories: memory cards, simple encryption logic card, CPU card. 1、 存储卡实际上就是普通的EEPROM,不过是封装成module嵌入到卡片上了而已. 1, memory card is actually an ordinary EEPROM, but is packaged as module embedded in the card only. 只要实现电气接触就可以对其内部数据进行无条件访问(当然需要根据该型号EEPROM的电气规范了). As long as we can achieve electrical contact between its internal data unconditional visit (of course, in accordance with the model of the electrical specifications of the EEPROM). 这种卡安全性几乎为0,所以只能用于一些对安全性不作要求的场合. This card security almost to zero, so some can only be used for the safety of not request occasions. 2、带简单加密逻辑的IC卡内部除了常见的EEPROM/EPROM/ROM类型的存储器外,还带有一专门设计的加密逻辑电路,用以防护敏感嘈?数据区. 2, with a simple encryption logic IC card in addition to common internal EEPROM / EPROM / ROM type memory, but also with a specially designed encryption logic circuits for the protection sensitive Cao? Data area. 通常是两个字节的口令字,口令字以明文的形式递交给卡片,卡片效验通过后才允许对保护数据区访问. Usually two byte password, password in the form of the word to express submitted to the card through the card-tested after allowing for data protection zone visit. 3、至于CPU卡当然其内部有一内嵌CPU了,这种卡一般都采用国际上通用的DES、RSA等加密算法对数据进行保护. 3, as of course its internal CPU card embedded with a CPU, and this kind of cards are generally used international generic DES, RSA encryption algorithm such as data protection. 为了加快数据交换的速度,往往还拥有内嵌的RSA算法协处理器等. In order to accelerate the speed of data exchange, often with embedded RSA algorithm coprocessor, and other. CPU卡的CPU一般为8031/51系列单片机的内核,也有采用其他内核的. CPU CPU cards generally 8031/51 Series MCU core, but also the use of other cores. 卡内通常有一固化的COS(卡片操作系统),实现卡内的数据管理. Cards usually have a curable COS (cards operating system), the realization of the card data management. 这种卡进行密码效验时密码是不以明文出现在通信线上的. This card password-tested when the password is not explicitly appear in the online communication. 另外为了提高其安全性以更适合于金融等应用场合,卡片的IC在设计时也采用了一些诸如总线加扰等反剖析措施,防止激光切割剖析? In addition to improving their safety in a more suited to financial applications, the IC card is used in the design of the bus, such as some scrambling, and other anti-analysis measures to prevent the laser cutting analysis? 二、射频IC卡 Second, RF IC card 射频IC卡通过卡内的线圈与外界进行射频通信实现数据交换.这种IC卡有的带有内部电池,可以工作3年或是几年,也有的靠线圈的感应电流工作. RF IC card through the card in the RF coil communication with the outside world for achieving data exchange. Some of this IC card with internal battery, can work a few years or three years, and some are on the induction coil current work. 由于线圈的体积决定了感应电流的强度从而决定了其有效作用距离,所以有的公司设计的射频IC卡允许用户自己设计、绕制线圈. As the size of the coil determines the intensity of the induced current to determine its effective distance, so some companies design of RF IC card allows users to design their own, winding coils. 这种卡经常用于诸如身份鉴别等场合. This card is frequently used as identification, and so on. 三、关于电话IC卡 Third, on the telephone IC card 电话IC卡应该算是属于简单逻辑加密卡. Telephone IC card is simple logic should be considered encryption card. 不过它的设计又与进行口令字效验的简单加密逻辑卡不同,因此笔者认为有必要对其进行简单的单独介绍. But it is designed with a password-tested a simple encryption card different logic, I believe that it is necessary to introduce a simple single. 对于简单加密逻辑卡,当写口令效验通过后可以对数据区进行写操作,这意味者可以对数据进行任意改动. For simple encryption logic card, when write-tested through the password can be conducted on the data write operation, it will mean that the data can be arbitrarily changed. 电话卡则不允许有这样的操作(否则卡上的钱不就可以改了?),所以电话卡设计成一形同算盘方式计数的计数器,卡片发行后,该计数器只能减,不能加,换言之,只能扣钱,不能加钱,用完后卡片作废. Phone cards do not allow the operation of this (otherwise, the money is not on the card can be changed?), Telephone cards designed to counter a way of thinking is tantamount to counter card issuers, the counter will only decrease, not increase, in other words, only Koujian can, and the money can not be used after the card void. 那位要问了:那不是随便搞张同型号的卡就可以打“免费”电话了? He would ask: it is not easily engage with models of the card can be a "free" phone? 非也,电话卡有一ROM区,生产厂商预先将大宗客户编号写在里面了. No, there is a calling card ROM, manufacturers, in advance bulk of the code written on the inside. 卡片出厂后就无法改动了. Cards can not be altered after the factory. 另外还有一区域是供用户(如电信局)添的,用户填写完后可以将保护熔丝熔断,使该用户数据区不可更改. There is also a region is for users (such as the bureau) Tim, users can be protected after completing the fuse links, the user can not change the data area. 所以IC卡电话靠这两个号就可以将非法卡据之门外. Therefore, IC card on the phone, these two cards can be illegal according to the gateway. 但是从技术的角度上讲现行的IC卡电话系统还是不完善,还是有可行办法攻击当前的IC卡电话系统. However, from a technical perspective, the existing telephone system or IC card imperfect, there are still options attack the current IC card telephone system. 当然笔者又不想来个什么高科技犯罪之类的举动,对于这种危害公共安全的问题就不再多言了. Of course, what the author does not want high-tech crimes such moves, such endangering public safety issues will not say more about. 如果电话IC卡采用CPU卡其安全性可就上台阶了,当然成本也就上台阶了:-). If the telephone IC cards, CPU khaki on the security level, of course, it costs a level :-). 四、IC Card 生产商 4, IC Card manufacturers 比较著名的IC Card生产制造商有Gemplus、Siemens、Philip、Atmel等. Comparison of the famous IC Card manufacturers have Gemplus, Siemens, Philip, such as Atmel. 它们提供各种型号的IC Card,客户也可以定做. They provide various types of IC Card, customers can be customized. 另外国内这几年雨后春荀般冒出了许多所谓的IC卡制作商,实际上它们只是完成ICmodule到塑料基片的封装以及印刷工作. Another domestic few years after the rain this spring Xun as the emergence of many so-called IC card maker, in fact they merely completed ICmodule to plastic substrate packaging and printing work. 哈工大曾经设计出过国内第一片IC卡芯片. HIT has designed the first-ever domestic IC card chips.

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