英语翻译 张伟达和成浩俩人使出浑身解数,终于击败众多对手,成为一条街上的霸主.他们决定乘胜追击,再次拓宽疆域.由于一条街已无多少发展余地,他们决定在城里建立6家分店.建店资金一部分来自熟人的入股,大部分则来自银行贷款.由于经营又方,一年下来,6家分店5家盈利.被如此骄人成绩所鼓舞,张伟达和成浩雄心万丈,决定创立自己的品牌,并在销售上冲出城门,杀向全国.x05x05 此时,他们二人已被视为业奇人.因此,他们决定创立自己的品牌、走向全国的消息传出,一些原来的供货厂家表示愿意为宏雅的品牌制作.熟人、半熟人纷纷找上门来,要求入股.而银行也频送秋波,表示只要是宏雅需要,要多少贷款就给多少贷款.
Zhang Weida and Cheng Hao they resorted to use all one"s skill,finally beat many compes,become the clothing street overlord.They decided to follow up a victory with hot pursuit,once again expand territory.Because the clothing street is not much room for development,they decided to set up 6 stores in the city.Part about investment funds from an acquaintance,mostly from bank loans.As the business square,one year down,6 branches of 5 profitable.Was so inspired by the remarkable achievements,Zhang Weida and Cheng Hao ambitious,decided to create their own brand,and out of the gates in the sales,to kill the.At this time,two of them have been regarded as the garment industry legend.Therefore,they decided to create their own brand,to national news,some of the original supply manufacturers expressed their willingness to Hongya brand clothing.Acquaintance,medium come one after another,for a stake in.Banks also frequency to send,said that as long as the Hong Ya need,how much loan to give how many loans.
1.《乘胜追击宏 英语翻译 张伟达和成浩俩人使出浑身解数,终于击败众多对手,成为一条街上的霸主.他们决定乘胜追击,再次拓宽疆域.由于服》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。
2.《乘胜追击宏 英语翻译 张伟达和成浩俩人使出浑身解数,终于击败众多对手,成为一条街上的霸主.他们决定乘胜追击,再次拓宽疆域.由于服》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。