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精诚团结 精诚团结造句_精诚团结中英文解释和造句



精诚团结jīng chéng tuán jié







能够作为团队的一部分与同事精诚团结。 Ability to work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team.

精诚团结——和谐相处,团结就是力量。 Solidly United: Harmoniously together, unity is our power.

本公司全体员工精诚团结,决心再创辉煌! All employees of the Company solidarity, determination and create greater glories!

公司上下齐心协力、精诚团结、努力向上。 The pany makes a concerted effort, solidarity, and strive upward.

精诚团结,同舟共济,圆满完成领导交办的任务。 The heartfelt solidarity, crosses a river in a boat together, pletely pletes the task which the leadership turns over the handling.

同时又蕴含着盛大人精诚团结,共创辉煌明天的宏愿。 at the same time, it contains the solidification of Shengda people to create a bright tomorrow.

领导班子精诚团结,群策群力,形成了强有力的战斗集体。 Leading group solidarity, coordinated effort to bat the formation of a strong collective.

公司拥有一流的人才队伍,以精诚团结、诚信高效为理念。 The pany has first-class personnel, solidarity, honesty efficient for the idea.

精诚团结,争创效益,力求发展是美斯特瑞家具的企业理念。 Faith, unite, development and keeping growth are what we are striving for.

总经理致辞:抓住机遇,为亿赛之崛起而精诚团结,拼搏创新。 General manager: seize opportunities , solidify, fight and innovate for EASY’s rise.

律师队伍精诚团结、管理规范、服务范围全面、服务质量优良。 Also, our law firm features excellent internal coordination, standard management, plete service scope and excellent service quality.

我们企业具有一支高素质、懂技术、善管理、精诚团结的队伍。 Our pany has a high-quality, well versed in technology, good management, team solidarity.

公司宗旨是:“精诚团结、勇于开拓、志在创新”的企业精神。 Company aim is: “solidarity, courage to open up, aimed at innovation” entrepreneurial spirit.

形成了一个事业心强、善于开拓、治校有方,精诚团结的领导集体; The formation of a strong sense of professionalism, and open up good, well-school governance, solidarity of the collective leadership;

我们必须让我们的队伍精诚团结,那么如何让我们的队伍精诚团结? We must make our team united, and how to make our team united?

公司本着“精诚团结、克尽职守、自强自立、开拓发展”的企业精神。 The pany is in the light of the business enterprise spirit of”earnest and sincere solidify, gram the exhausted job guard, self-renewal independence and expand a development”.

健全的研发和技术支持体系使德合科技成为一个精诚团结、可担重任的优秀群体。 Sound R &D and technical support system are made Dehoo Technology into a heartfelt solidarity, responsibility excellent groups.

发扬和倡导“狼”的精诚团结合作的精神。以满足一诺天成的每位客户需求去服务。 Develop and spark the cooperation spirit of wolf. Service in purpose of satisfying every customers.

我们富有责任心和真诚合作意识,精诚团结、努力工作、创新开拓是我们不断的追求; We have sense of responsibility and sincere cooperative consciousness. Authentic unit, effort and innovation and innovation and opening up in work to be our constant pursuit .

世界各族人民皆有责任消解分歧,精诚团结,全然和平地生活在祂关怀与仁爱之树的荫庇下。 It is incumbent upon all the peoples of the world to reconcile their differences, and, with perfect unity and peace, abide beneath the shadow of the Tree of His care and loving-kindness.

在陈敬源校长的带领下,这支领导集体精诚团结,紧密协作,具有强烈的改革意识和创新精神。 Inchen jing yuan under the leadership of principals, this solidarity of collective leadership, in close collaboration with a strong sense of reform and innovation.

公司始终坚持走品牌之路,回顾过去,“楚禾”以精诚团结、锐意进取的精神创造了骄人的成绩。 We always stick to the road brand in the past, “Chu Wo” heartfelt solidarity and forge ahead to create the spirit of a remarkable achievement.

业精于勤,凯奥特科技的全体员工精诚团结,不断进取,以他们的汗水,为振兴民族产业作出贡献。 Diligence is our tenet. The crew of our pany are holding together to develop ourselves continuously, trying our best to contribute for the rise of national industry.

公司一贯致力于“精诚团结,开拓进取”的企业精神,产品不断拓宽,品牌不断提升,企业不断壮大。 The pany has always been mitted to the “solidarity and forge ahead” in the spirit of enterprise, constantly expand the products and brands than ever, panies go from strength to strength.

‘科学健全的研发体系’,’精诚团结的团队精神’,’独具特色的企业文化’是我公司的经营基础; ‘The science perfect research and development system ‘, ‘ the heartfelt solidarity team spirit ‘, ‘ is characteristic the enterprise culture ‘ is our pany’s management foundation;

孔子就提出了“仁”即“爱人”的道德学说,奠定了中华民族几千年来友爱互助、精诚团结的伦理思想基础。 Confucius put forward a “benefactor” means “love” the moral doctrine, for the Chinese nation for thousands of years, friendliness, mutual assistance, solidarity ethical ideological foundation.

‘科学健全的研发体系’,’精诚团结的团队精神’,’独具特色的企业文化’是我公司的经营基础; ‘The science perfect research and development system ‘, ‘ the heartfelt solidarity team spirit ‘, ‘ is characteristic the enterprise culture ‘ is our pany’s management foundation;

多数伊拉克的政客们都声称自己与美国想法一致:希望伊拉克精诚团结,没有宗派分歧,结束暴力冲突,这些暴力冲突单在过去一年里就已经造成数万人丧命。 Most of Iraq’s politicians claim to want the same thing America wants: a united, non-sectarian state and an end to the violence that has killed tens of thousands in the past year alone.

昨天的成绩已经被历史所记录,未来的岁月八达房地产公司将续写出更加绚丽多彩的篇章,我们将发挥二次创业的精神,开拓进取,精诚团结、齐心协力,再创辉煌! All achievements turned to the past, BaD Real Estate co. , Ltd will continue to draw more wonderful articles, we will to bring second start an enterprise spirits in future time.

公司始终坚持以人为本,走管理人性化、科学化、制度化的道路,全体员工视“产品质量是企业的生命”,他们爱岗敬业、爱厂如家、精诚团结、奋力拼搏,共同描绘公司的宏伟蓝图! Our pany insist on humanized management and believe that products quality is the life of our pany, we take serious of our work and working hard for our pany’s bright future!




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