以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!继往开来jì wǎng kāi lái
明·王守仁《传习录·三》:“文公精神气魄大,是他早年合下便要继往开来 。”清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第一回:“将来昌明圣教,继往开来,舍我其谁?”
我们竭诚与新老客户合作,继往开来。 We sincerely wele and cooperate with old and new customers.
研究健美操教育理论是一个继往开来、方兴未艾的课题。 To investigate the educatory theory of the Aerobic Exercises is a task in the ascendant.
现在是时候大家继往开来,共同应对今天的众多挑战了。 That – and that it is time to ” move on” to confront today’s challegeschallenges.
继往开来,IFB的专注与承担令它能国桥开始进驻欧洲。 The future, IFB dedication and mitment so that the bridge can begin stationed in Europe.
深入挖掘,反复实践,锐意创新是康仔公司继往开来的前进动力。 Deep excavation, repeated practice and innovation is the pany¿µ×Ðforward momentum into the future.
继往开来,与时俱进,斯丹妮亚人愿诚誉与社会各界携手前进,再创辉煌。 The SIDANNIYA people sincerely hope to join hands with all circles of the society to recreated bright future.
让我们站在新的历史起点上,继往开来,携手奋进,共同开创更加美好的明天! Let’s build on our past achievements and press ahead hand in hand for an even brighter future.
继往开来,至域将一如继往地不断创新,追求完美,与广大客户共创辉煌的明天。 Setting foot at present and looking into the future, Zhiyu will constantly innovate and seek perfection as before and create brilliant achievements together with you.
因此在审美认识发展史中占据较高的地位,具有承前启后、继往开来的重大意义。 Therefore, in the development of aesthetic awareness occupy in the history of higher status, a link between past and future of great significance.
衡水人继往开来,发奋图强,在这片古老而神气的热土上播种下希望,创造出辉煌。 Hengshui people into the future, work hard, in this ancient land on the air the next planting hope to create brilliant.
专业的团队铸造专业的产品,专业的产品成就辉煌的业绩,愿中源继往开来,再创佳绩。 Casting professional team of professional products, professional products that successful performance of the source is willing to forward, new heights.
在“十六大”的东风劲吹中,新一代的中国领导人正继往开来带领着中华民族走向新的辉煌。 In the “National Congress” strong east wind blowing, the new generation of Chinese leaders is to lead the nation forward to a new glory.
毫不动摇地坚持和发展中国特色社会主义是中国共产党的事业承前启后、继往开来的根本要求。 Keeping and developing the socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental requirement of inheriting the past and forging ahead into the future.
作为承上启下、继往开来的法国科学模式,对于人类科学技术的发展产生了重大而深远的影响。 The France”s scientific model was a connecting link between the preceding and the following which had great influences on human”s scientific and technological development.
从1996年到2010年,是建设有中国特色社会主义事业承前启后、继往开来的重要时期。 The years from 1996 to 2010 are a critical time for china to carry forward the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
在此祥风鑫以更饱满的热情和努力,继往开来,与时俱进,为实现共同的愿望共创美好的明天! In this wind-Xin more great enthusiasm and efforts, the future, advance with the times, for the realization of the mon aspirations for a better tomorrow!
不怕错误。你一定会犯错误;问题在于从中学习然后继往开来。不是人人认为这一点是容易做到的。 You don’t mind making mistakes. You will make them; the trick is to learn from them and move on. Not everyone finds that easy to do.
政权的和平更迭历史上很少见,但在我国却很平常。通过一个简单的誓言,我们承前启后,继往开来。 The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet mon in our country. With a simple oath , we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.
继往开来,以先进的生产设备严格的生产管理,雄厚的的技术力量以及顶的产品质量立足于同行商界。 Inherits, owning to its advanced production equipment, strict production management, abundant technical force as well as its products with high quality, L&H stand out from Colleague business circle.
我们愿与朝鲜同志一道,携手并肩,继往开来,为中朝友好合作关系下一个更加美好的60年而不懈努力。 We would like to work hand in hand with our DPRK rades for an even better next sixty years of China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations.
在未来日子里,金鑫东讯电子通讯设备有限公司将继往开来为各方用户、代理、集成商忠诚服务。 In the future, Jinxin of electronic munication devices Te Co. , Ltd. will forward to all users, agents, integrators and loyal service.
党的十六届四中全会提出构建“和谐社会”的目标,是我国改革开放继往开来的重大举措,具有划时代的意义。 The Chinese Communist Party put forward the aim of constructing Harmonious Community, which is an epoch-making policy in innovation and opening to the world.
继往开来,我们本着质量第一,信誉第一,用户至上的宗旨,积极进取、勇于探索,真诚为广大国内外客商服务。 We believe in that quality and credit are the most important, and we would try out best to service our clients home and abroad.
在新世纪里,我们将继往开来,以不朽的“艺力”和永不枯竭的热情造就国际品位,也造就您与我们的共同辉煌! In the new century, we will forward to immortal “Arts” and an inexhaustible enthusiasm for creating an international taste, but also created you and our mon brilliant!
进入21世纪,本公司将继往开来,努力提升企业的管理水平、研发能力和产品质量,为社会提供更好的产品和服务。 The 21st century, the Company will be the future, and strive to enhance the management level of enterprises, R &D capability and product quality, and provide better products and services.
要加强干部队伍和各级领导班子建设,特别是年轻干部队伍建设,保证有中国特色的社会主义现代化事业继往开来、开拓前进。 The plenum stressed to strengthen the construction of cadres and leading groups at all levels, especially young ones to ensure the advancement of socialist modernization.
我们对自已的前途和未来充满了信心和力量,并不负众望,继往开来,与时俱进,勇攀高峰,全力打造中国厨具产品优质品牌。 Our prospect and future are fully filled with the confidence and the power. We have enough confidence in making the excellent kitchen devices.
在剩下的五站比赛中,我们将踌躇满志、继往开来在蒙扎我们倒不会成为夺冠的热门车队。这项运动至少有好几支一流的车队。 Good engineering can make a significant difference at Monza so we’ll be working hard to get the car set up well to allow our drivers to be aggressive over the kerbs.
气势恢弘的手笔,继往开来的气魄,重大机遇的展现,使新生的金海孕育著腾飞的希望,从诞生之日起,便坚定了领跑城市未来、成就城市梦想、缔造城市光荣的信念。 From the day of its birth, JinHai consolidates the beliefs of leading the city future, fulfilling city dreams and building the glory of our city.
梅兰芳作为四大名旦的主帅,承上启下,继往开来,勇于革新,善于创造,以他不懈的努力拼搏进取,不仅开辟了京剧艺术的新天地,而且把它传播到海外,为京剧艺术的继承、革新、发展作出了里程碑式的伟大贡献。 Mei Lanfang, as the main role of the four famous masters Nandan, he carved out the new way of opera art and spread the opera to abroad. He had done great contribution to opera art.
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