以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!目光炯炯mù guāng jiǒng jiǒng
大苇听我说完后目光炯炯看着我。 Great reed hear me out after Muguangjiongjiong looked at me.
林老师看起来很健康,目光炯炯有神。 Miss Lin is healthy looking and bright eyed.
他是个青年人,目光炯炯有神,行动敏捷。 He was a young man, bright of eye and quick of movement.
她还目光炯炯地注视了他一下,这也使他不能理解。 She gave him, straight in the eyes, a look which was also inscrutable.
攫取那稍纵即逝的热吻,让我们热血沸腾,目光炯炯。 It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed.
当他握著父亲的手,欢迎他回到中国时,目光炯炯有神。 His eyes sparkled as he grasped my father’s hand and weled him back to China.
从楼上走下来的张天慧,黑衣黑裤,目光炯炯,笑声爽朗。 Step down the Zhang Tianhui that e from upstairs, black clothes black pants, look bright, laugh is bright and clear.
她有目光炯炯地补充说:“你应当看看今天人们的饮食。” Her eyes sparkling again , she added , “you should see what the people eat today .”
从楼上走下来的张天慧,黑衣黑裤,目光炯炯,笑声爽朗。 Grand walk down Zhang Tianhui, black clothing was a pair of black trousers, Muguangjiongjiong, laughter stopped.
他们都是身强力壮、拳大臂粗、目光炯炯、饱经风霜的汉子。 They were all lusty, weather-beaten fellows, hard of hand, bold of eyes.
然后她又目光炯炯地接着说,“你应当看看我们如今团结得象一个人。” Then, her eyes sparkling again, she added, “You should see that we are”.
那人一张脸红得像猪肝,两条浓眉像是两把尖刀,目光炯炯,杀气腾腾。 The man’s face was liverish red, much like a pig’s liver, and his thick eyebrows were like two sharp knives. His eyes glistened with a murderous light.
她面颊红润,目光炯炯。她实事求是,心胸开阔,快活。他喜欢与她为伴。 Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes shone. She was truthful, open-hearted and cheerful. He enjoyed her pany.
现在胡班脸上这对棕色的眼睛最最神气、机灵活泼、目光炯炯,流露出关切的神情。 Hoban’s brown eyes now dominated his face, alert, concerned, and shiny.
我记得我遇见不少身材壮硕、腰板挺得笔直的女人。这些女人生著大鼻子,目光炯炯。 I have a recollection of large, unbending women with great noses and rapacious eyes.
白羊座男士:白羊座的男士,多半有一双目光炯炯的眼神,走路很快,喜欢说服别人。 Aries men: Aries men, most of them are a pair of eyes, walking quickly, like to convince others.
父亲还是我孩提记得的模样:脸色黑里透红,目光炯炯有神。一头浓发更使他仪表堂堂。 My father still looks remarkably like I remember him when I was growing up: hair full, body trim, face tanned, eyes sharp.
他想挑一个太太们听了不会脸红的词儿。他目光炯炯。苍白的脸由于冲动而显得愈加苍白了。 He sought for a word that should not offend the ladies’ ears. His eyes were flashing and his pale face was paler still in his emotion.
德国人一个个目光炯炯,手舞足蹈,彼此争论著,笑着,捶著桌子,四面八方都喊着要香槟酒。 The Germans, eyes bright and gestures animated, argued with each other, laughed, struck the table, and called from all sides for champagne.
他转过身来,一个仪表堂堂,目光炯炯和生著高贵额头的年轻勇士出现在惊呆了的休伦人面前。 He turned and showed the astonished Hurons the noble brow, fine person, and eagle eye of a young warrior.
一个在刚果的野地里漫跑、未开化的非洲人,对自由权利的热爱丝毫不亚于一个目光炯炯的政治经济学家; The nice discerning political economist does not regard the sacred right more than the untutored African who roams in the wilds of Congo.
周恩来的房门打开了。他们看到一位身材修长的人,比普通人略高,目光炯炯,面貌引人注目,称得上清秀。 When Zhou Enlai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.
他目光炯炯地紧盯着地平线;像在倾听某种声音,那是内陆地带所缺少的,尽管那里有牧场和农庄的欢快音乐。 His shining eyes held fast to the horizon, and he seemed to be listening for some sound that was wanting from that inland acreage, vocal as it was with the cheerful music of pasturage and farmyard.
莱马里的小屋子正好座落在村子的尽头,所以当那个目光炯炯的瘦兵一小时以后溜进花园时,只有一个邻居看见他。 The little Leymaire house was set apart at the very end of the village, so that an hour later only a neighbor saw the thin soldier with burning eyes when he slipped into the garden.
也许你从踏出机场的那一刻起就会被文化差异震慑住:街道的极度拥挤、高人口密度、贫富差距、温度,甚至会被人目光炯炯地猛看着! You may get your first cultural shock when you step out from the airport – crowds, intensity of everything on the street, variation of wealth and poverty, temperature, people staring at you!
其正中的一条龙造型最具威严,昂首向前,目光炯炯,气宇轩昂,体现出了我国古代高超的雕刻技艺,颇值得一观,是我国四大龙壁之一。 Its one-stop center of the most majestic style, head forward, Muguangjiongjiong, Qiyuxuanang, reflects China’s great ancient carving skills, is a concept, is one of China’s four major long wall.
斯丹恩勋爵挂著嘉德勋章和绶带,加上他的秃脑瓜,那对目光炯炯的眼睛,脸膛周围那一圈火红的鬓髯,在这个隆重的场合,格外显得威风凛凛。 and ribbon, with a bald head and shining eyes, and a collar of red whiskers round his face, always looked grand upon an occasion of State.
斯丹恩勋爵挂著嘉德勋章和绶带,加上他的秃脑瓜,那对目光炯炯的眼睛,脸膛周围那一圈火红的鬓髯,在这个隆重的场合,格外显得威风凛凛。 My Lord Steyne, with garter and ribbon, with a bald head and shining eyes, and a collar of red whiskers round his face, always looked grand upon an occasion of State.
沃尔特•哈林顿父亲还是我孩提记得的模样:脸色黑里透红,目光炯炯有神。一头浓发更使他仪表堂堂。不过,他现在比过去温和耐心多了。当初可不。 There is a time in every son’s life when he resents the echoes reminding him that, for all his vaunted individuality, he is his father’s son.
你平常总是目光炯炯、精力充沛,身边的朋友非常多。如果能改改“自私任性”的个性,珍惜朋友的情分,将是充满魅力的女孩。可不要忘了你的“微笑”哦! Our love will be lasting forever. Please remember that I love you, my dear. You’re the only one in my heart!
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