以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!死于非命sǐ yú fēi mìng
那个不法之徒最后死于非命。The bad man died in his boots at last.昨天伊拉克共142人死于非命。 Yesterday 142 people were killed in Iraq.
他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。 If he carries on driving like that, he’ll end up dead.
他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。 If he goes on driving like that, he’ll end up with death.
他是第二个这样死于非命的人。 He is the second man of dying an unnatural death so.
他非自然死亡。 He died an unnatural death.
命运之神在朝他微笑,总算没有谁死于非命。 The Gull of Fortune smiled upon him this once, and no one was killed.
有时某些大型猫科动物就是这样死于非命的。 Big cats are killed in this way.
歹徒通常死于非命。 The outlaws usually die in their boots.
当局说他们并不知道21岁的生命坠落死于非命。 Authorities say they don’t know yet if the 21-year-old fell or was the victim of foul play.
死于非命,因他祖先的野心,和他被诅咒的血液。 to die before his time, victim of ambition of his ancestor, and his cursed blood.
他泰然而死/狗般地死去/死于非命/遭横祸而死。 He died a calm/a dog’s/an unnatural/ violent death .
别担心啦,萛命的说过你不会病死的。你会死于非命。 Relax, the fortune teller said you’re going to die from an accident, not a disease.
罗马的许多统治者都死于非命。他们不是被谋杀就是被毒死。 Many of the rulers of Rome met with violent deaths. They were either murdered or poisoned.
凶手的出手非常快,所以他的剑刚拔出了一半,便死于非命。 The perpetrators of hand very quickly, so he pulled out half of the Jian-gang, it died a violent death.
在我所拜访的地点的一英里之内,前一年有八个人死于非命。 Eight people had been killed the previous year within a mile of where I stopped.
权力的追求是永无止境的,那些贪得无厌的人,最后往往死于非命。 Kyle: I’ve learned that people who want power, a lot of power, always… end up dead.
我们正在努力提升大众对伪药的警觉性,以免看到一群人死于非命。 We’re trying to raise awareness so [that] we don’t see a lot of dead bodies.
鲍威尔会出现在FCC,部分得归因于一场几乎令他死于非命的意外。 Powell’s presence at the FCC stems in part from an accident that almost killed him.
因为妻子死于非命的索赔诉讼需要处理,1975年1月7日,梁实秋飞回美国。 Because of the death of his wife claims litigation need to be addressed, January 7, 1975, Liang Shih-chiu fly back to the United States.
土耳其承认,有数十万亚美尼亚人死于非命,但又说这并非死于任何要彻底消灭他们的有组织行动。 Turkey admits that several hundred thousand Armenians did die, but says this was not because of any centrally organised campaign to wipe them out.
例如,1918-1919年间的西班牙病毒大流行,就在全球范围内使得约5000万人死于非命。 For example, the pandemic of 1918 to 1919, known as the Spanish flu, killed about 50 million people around the world.
屋外,能看到警察正在检查轻型小货车上令小家伙死于非命的那个后轮,而孩子的父母则相拥著站在一旁。 Outside, the police could be seen inspecting the fatal rear wheel of the pickup while the child’s mother and father leaned in each other’s arms.
它常常进攻鹿,但有时候也攻击人,这些攻击不会立即让它的受害者死于非命,但是能导致致命的细菌感染。 An attack that didn’t immediately kill the dragon’s victim—often a deer, but sometimes a person—would cause fatal bacterial infections.
姚明一个人在前后半场就使我们死于非命,范帅的一句“姚明缺乏杀手的本色”的屁话就使姚失去了所有的自信。 Damn, Yao is single-handsomely killing us on both end of the court…nice goin JVG for that “lack of killer instinct” crap and made yao lost all of his confident.
2005年新西兰医学协会就曾发出警告,说这样的方法会引起致命病毒的传播,最终将导致数百万人死于非命。 The New Zealand Medical Association warned in 2005 that a deadly virus transmission through this pathway could potentially kill millions of people.
代价就是她们所爱的人都会死于非命。从此,爱也爱不得的小姐妹只好互相扶持,并设法改变这个似乎不可变的事实。 But the invocation of the Owen’s sorcery also carries a price – some call it a curse: the men they fall in love with are doomed to an untimely death.
中国的道路是世界上最危险的道路之一,因为盲目驾驶,道路条件低下和车辆超载,每年都有成百上千万的人死于非命。 China’s roads are among the world’s most dangerous, with thousands of people dying each year in accidents caused by reckless driving, poor road conditions and overloading of vehicles.
虽然他的小队想努力追上他,但是最后只剩六个人了,其他人都因为一些无足轻重的小事儿——比方说死于非命——没能跟上队伍。 Although his unit did their best to catch up, all but six of them were lost to silly things like death.
她突然两手握紧拳头,仰望寒冬的天空,大声喊道,“把我带到谋杀我哥哥的凶手那儿去,让我亲手为他的淬然死于非命报仇雪恨!” Oh, my God, ” she cried, suddenly clasping her hands, and looking up at the cold winter sky, “lead me to the murderer of my brother, and let mine be the hand to avenge his untimely death! ”
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