以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!惶惶不可终日huáng huáng bù kě zhōng rì
现在道高一丈一,谁在惶惶不可终日? Road is now a high-Yi Zhang, who is not worried All day long?
你总是惶惶不可终日,感觉整个生活都被它所占据。 It’s emotionally draining to feel anxious all the time. It may feel as though your whole life is being taken over by it.
多年来,还有数百万的人因害怕被判罪而惶惶不可终日。 Over the years millions more lived in fear of conviction.
以及生活在堂皇与荒凉景象之间的市民的惶惶不可终日。 Along with which are the city residents grow afraid that they have to carry on living a life among the scene of being magnificent and desolation.
这让我们惶惶不可终日,不能睡觉,不能干任何其他事。 But we are all in suspense. We can’t sleep, we can’t think about anything else.
结果,文明遭到前所未有的破坏,各国**惶惶不可终日。 The results, by the unprecedented destruction of civilization, countries ** a constant state of anxiety.
败则心情恶劣,茶饭不思,心惊肉跳,惶惶而不可终日,最后人财两失。 If lose, they are in bad mood, feeling panic and having no appetite. At last, they are sick and lose money simultaneously.
这 种“彻底脑沁润”使得大多数编目员一离开MARC就惶惶不可终日。 This “total brain immersion” makes moving away from MARC a wrenching change for most catalogers.
商品房库存逐年增长,符合市场规律,人们不必谈虎色变,惶惶不可终日。 Commercial housing inventory will gradually increase, in line with market rules, people need not fear, frightened.
第一,不要惊慌失措,惶惶不可终日,因为失败不是意味着世界末日的来临。 First, dont panic, because failure is not the end of the world.
你们要受制于那些恨你们的人,你们将要惶惶不可终日;没有人追赶,也要逃跑。 those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you.
每个人都无比关心自己和至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有危疾就惶惶不可终日。 Each person cares a lot about the heart of him and his loved ones. Any small illness will make him worry day and night.
习惯成自然,从未离开过权力的价值,一旦离开,恐怕便会心慌意乱,惶惶不可终日。 Habits into natural, never left power value, once they left, I am afraid, will be flustered distracted, a constant state of anxiety.
许多欧洲人与通货膨胀相抗争已算经验老道,但仍惶惶不可终日,和美国人不相上下。 Experienced as they are at fighting inflation, many Europeans are as worried as Americans.
一时间所有的房地产商尤其是只有银行一条输血管道的中小房地产商简直惶惶不可终日。 One time all the real estate business in a blood bank is the only real estate business is the small frightened.
尽管哈马斯的火箭弹很少伤到人,但确实使许多以色列人惶惶不可终日,惹恼了整国人。 The Hamas rockets rarely hit anybody, but did terrorize many Israelis and enrage the whole country.
夏红与张经伦相处中,渐渐发现他因资本积累期间犯有“不可告人的原罪”而惶惶不可终日。 Xia Hong gradually realized that Zhang had mitted “unspeakable sin”during his original capital accumulation.
他追讨国库欠款,逼得老臣上吊,皇子王爷到前门大街变卖家当,令满朝官员惶惶不可终日; his treasury to recover the arrears, forcing veteran hanged, Prince Royal Highness to the front door the street selling the family silver, so that a constant state of anxiety officials;
数以千计的恐怖主义分子受到正义的制裁,或者被关进监狱,或者正四处逃窜,惶惶不可终日。 And thousands of terrorists have been brought to justice, or are in prison, or are running for fear of their lives.
从伏地魔获得重生以来,斯拉格霍恩始终在遇上食死徒兵被他们胁迫加入的恐惧中惶惶不可终日。 Ever since Voldemort regained his powers, Slughorn has lived in fear that he will be confronted by Death Eaters and pressured to join them.
那次的印象也确是可怕和深刻的,行刑的第二天和许多天以后,主教还表现出惶惶不可终日的样子。 Therefore, the impression was terrible and profound; on the day following the execution, and on many succeeding days, the Bishop appeared to be crushed.
从伏地魔获得重生以来,斯拉格霍恩就害怕自己遇见食死徒,被逼迫加入他们,因而惶惶不可终日。 Ever since Voldemort regained his powers, Slughorn has lived in fear that he will be confronted by Death Eaters and pressured to join them.
杞国有个人害怕天会塌下来,常常担惊受怕,惶惶不可终日。这沉重的精神负担,弄得他几乎要发疯。 Haunted by the fear that the sky might fall, a Qi man could hardly like through a single minute without being startled several times, which nearly drove him mad.
相反地,一天到晚情绪激动,一点风吹草动就急躁不安而惶惶不可终日,我们认为有这样情绪的人不好。 On the contrary, he, who is excited all day and even is fussy about pretty disturbance or pretty trouble, is deemed as a man of bad mood.
7在美国,传统媒体产业已经惶惶不可终日,四处寻找出路,这种先发焦虑是不是更有利于中国媒体软转型? Q7: In America, traditional media are nearing their end of days, searching everywhere for a way out. Does this sort of early anxiety signal well for the soft transition of media in China?
一只老鼠天生胆小,整天生活在担惊受怕中,特别是最近这片区域出现了一只威猛的猫,更令它惶惶不可终日。 Timid by nature a mouse all day long to live in fear, especially the recent emergence of this region a powerful cat, but also its constant state of anxiety.
事实上我就知道,有些基督教徒确实相信基督复临巳经迫在眉睫了,我还认识一位牧师,他把他的教徒吓得惶惶不可终日,说什么基督即将来临; Jesus said the time of His second ing are really close, but no one knows what time, if the pastor said he knew, then he lied and was a false prophet.
我每天惶惶不可终日地深怕关我的家伙基于某种人道主义观念的误导可能会一时冲动改变我单调的伙食,拿其它难以下咽的玩意取代这天幸的盖浇饭。 I lived in constant fear that misguided humanitarian impulses might lead my captors to vary my monotonous diet, substituting something inedible for the blessed pilaff.
总有些企业难以适应,呈现惶惶不可终日之态,他们总希望各种各样的变化和影响不要侵蚀到自身,把一些经济发展中客观存在的危机看得如临大敌。 Some enterprises will render in a constant state of the State, they always want all kinds of changes and impact do not eroded to itself, economic development objective crisis was so very much see?the.
上海市静安区“东八块风波”之后,毗邻事发地―――石门二路以东58号街坊―――的老赵一家一度惶惶不可终日:“早就下了通知,拆完他们,就是我们这。” Shanghai Jingan District, “East eight storm”, adjacent to the incident — Danmenerlu 58 east of the neighbourhood — a Laozhao once frightened : “under the early notification, stopping them is our.
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