以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!安然无恙ān rán wú yàng
虽然遇到风暴, 船上所有的人都安然无恙。All the people on the ship were in safety despite the storm. 他从马背上摔了下来, 但他却安然无恙。The horse threw him off, but he got away in a whole skin.所有登山者都安然无恙地回到家。 All the climbers arrived home safe and sound.
他能在事故中安然无恙确实是幸运。 He was really lucky to have e through the accident.
发现孩子们安然无恙是个很大的安慰。 It was a great relief to find the children safe.
男孩随后被发现安然无恙。 The boy was later found safe.
历经一连串危机,我们如今已安然无恙。 We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis.
我滑倒了,但是安然无恙。 Was sliding, but nothing happened.
猫安然无恙,可是谁来解救我们人类自己? The cat is ok , but who will rescue ourselves?
轰炸使教堂毁于一旦,但是塑像却安然无恙。 The church was destroyed in the bombing but the statue survived intact.
经过长久的搜索,我们发现那个男孩安然无恙。 After a long search , we found the boy safe and sound.
他安然无恙地逃离了车祸。这让我们感到惊异。 We marveled that he walked away unhurt from the car accident.
她已安然无恙归来的消息,为他带来极大的安慰。 The news that she had returned safe and sound brought him great fort.
美好的是,两个孩子最后安然无恙,过著幸福的生活。 Better that the last two children safe and happy life to live.
幸运鼠从1000级的台阶上摔下来却安然无恙,为什么? Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why?
射手对着一只野鸭瞄准射击,结果野鸭安然无恙地飞走了。 A shooter took aim of a flying duck and fired, however, the duck flew on unscathed.
他们最后看了铁麦克一眼-它依旧安然无恙地耸立在黑暗中。 They took a final look at Iron Mike, still intact in the darkness.
他的剑刃划出了一道强有力的弧线,但是这个昆虫安然无恙。 His blade came down in a mighty arc – but the insect continued on its way!
手里若拿着一把镭原子,不可能安然无恙,因为镭会引起严重烧伤。 You could not safely hold a handful of radium atoms, for radium can cause serious burns.
泰瑞的疑心很快就过去了,她试图探明是否杰克和金伯利是真的安然无恙。 Teri’s suspicion passes quickly as she tries to glean information about Jack and Kimberly’s wellbeing.
那基地只是马尼拉湾一百英里长安然无恙的海岸线上一个硝烟滚滚的污点。 The base was just a smudge on the untouched hundred-mile coast of Manila Bay.
干船坞里的“宾夕法尼亚”号却仍安然无恙,显然是唯一未遭受袭击的主力舰。 The Pennsylvania, which was in dry dock, was unscathed -evidently the only battleship that had not been attacked.
我们将永远相携而行,在我心中你永远都安然无恙,我的心永远都与你在一起。 We’ll stay, forever this way, you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on.
阿佳莎的母亲冲进了地下室,抱起孩子。孩子在她的怀里非常虚弱,但安然无恙。 Agatha’s mother rushed into the vault and took the child, who was very weak, but safe, into her arms.
你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。 You can backup accounting records, business plans charts, graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades-safe and secure.
你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。 You can backup accounting records, business plans charts, graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades-safe secure.
官方说,美军和阿富汗军队随后冲进大楼,打死了三名叛乱分子,并安然无恙地救出了人质。 Officials say U. S. and Afghan forces later stormed the building, where they killed three insurgents and rescued the hostages unharmed.
中国官员说,在星期一强烈地震的震中附近的成都一个熊猫繁殖中心内的大约60支熊猫安然无恙。 Chinese officials say about 60 giant pandas at a Chengdu breeding center near the epicenter of Monday’s devastating earthquake are safe.
如果真的是纯天然制成,那么请当面在消费者面前将该产品吃下去,如果安然无恙的话,再来考虑是否要购买吧! If it is really made from pure natural, please EAT this products and face to your consumers, if safe, then again considering whether or not to buy!
这是发生于靠近孟菲斯某地的一幕。一辆油罐卡车被一辆SUV撞到后发生爆炸,幸运的是,两车的司机都安然无恙。 This is the scene near Memphis where a tanker truck burst into flames after being struck by an SUV. Luckily, both drivers got out safely.
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