以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!家长里短jiā cháng lǐ duǎn
所不同的是把家庭妇女的家长里短升华为天下大事。 The difference is that the women’s families, the parents of short into the world event.
母亲跟我谈了家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Mom fills me in on family gossip tells me about her past.
母亲跟我谈了许多家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Morn fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past.
母亲跟我谈了许多家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past.
母亲跟我谈了许多家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Mom fills me in17 on family gossip and tells me about her past.
母亲跟我谈了许多家长里短的事, 也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past.
母亲跟我谈了许多”。’家长里短‘。”的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past.
夏日的傍晚凉风渐起,不少老人都喜欢搬个板凳到家门前纳凉,和邻居们聊聊家长里短。 The dusk cool wind of summer rises gradually, many old people like to move a bench to the front of the door to enjoy the cool, with neighbour people talk about the parent in short.
没有家长里短,没有柴米油盐,有的是如切如磋、如琢如磨,“谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁”。 No quarrels of families, no talks about rice and salt, just chatting and negotiating, “when talking, there are only great scholars without any innocent people”.
然而,不知该儿子是否想过主动给母亲打几个“反骚扰”电话,哪怕是聊一聊家长里短,孙儿近况。 However, do not know this son to had wanted to hit a few actively to the mother ” annoy instead ” phone, even if be to talk about the parent in short, sun Er recent situation.
不过,除了两位领导人的口舌之争外,还有另外的因素给这件原本算是家长里短的私事添上了政治色彩。 But the mutual recrimination between the two leaders was not the only thing to give this otherwise private matter a political dimension.
他们把会馆当作自己的家,把邢敏当作自己的亲人,有什么困难都来找她,甚至家长里短都要找她唠一唠。 They treat as the clubhouse their family, treats as own Xing Min family member, has any difficulty to look for her, even the gossip must ask her to discuss.
可以不要浪漫,只要温馨,可以不要激情只要隽永,可以抛却浮华只要还原生活的本质,柴米油盐家长里短细水常流。 Can not romantic, as long as the warmth, passion can be as long as not meaningful, you can restore as far as long as the vanity of the essence of life, in short parents often small water flow.
尽管王菲和李亚鹏都是明星、都是公众人物,可也有自己私密的空间,不可能什么家长里短都贡献出来供大众“愚乐”。 Despite the all-star Faye Wong and Li Yapeng, are public figures, could also have their own private space, can not be what parents are in short contribution from the public for “Le-yu.”
女士们定期在科隆博物馆的咖啡厅见面,省略了平日家长里短的聒噪,直接谈起了俳句,这是一种由日本向全世界流传开来的短小精悍的诗体。 The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe.
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