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妇孺皆知的造句 妇孺皆知造句_妇孺皆知中英文解释和造句



妇孺皆知fù rú jiē zhī







看来这已经是一个妇孺皆知的故事了。 It seems that this is a knows the story.

天虹、茂业、国商在深圳可谓妇孺皆知。 Rainbow, Mau industry, the BCCI in Shenzhen is known.

这首诗已流传了一千多年,可谓妇孺皆知。 This poem has been more than a thousand years, is knows.

中国有句话妇孺皆知:“妇女能顶半边天”。 In China everyone knows “Women hold up half of the sky.”

“桂林山水甲天下”的名句在中国妇孺皆知。 The sentence “Guilin”s scenery is the finest under heaven” is known by all Chinese people.

五年前很少为人所知的博客,如今已妇孺皆知。 Blogs were virtually unknown five years ago; now they are unavoidable.

农业女神得墨忒尔,在希腊是个妇孺皆知的神祗。 Agriculture goddess Demeter, including women and children in Greece is the only God.

谚语是简练、妇孺皆知,揭示普遍真理或信念的俗语。 A proverb is a short, well known saying that expresses a mon truth or belief.

鉆石王老五们一定会急着找老婆,是个妇孺皆知的事实。 IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

刘、邓大军“千里跃进大别山”是妇孺皆知、名扬天下的重要事件。 Liu, Tang army, “Trinidad leap forward in the Dabie Mountains” is Furujiezhi, famous The important event.

在饭馆吃饭要付费是妇孺皆知的事实,即使出现特殊情况,有人请客… Have a meal in the restaurant should paying fee is the fact that Fu child all knows, although go out, show special situation, somebody entertains guests…

地道超群的厨艺、殷勤规范的服务成为了家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的一句名言。 Maria’s authentic cuisine and attentive service has bee a standard well-known, knows a famous phrase.

多少年来孝妇周青的故事被当地人们所传颂,白溪汪村更是妇孺皆知。 Zhou Qing women over the years the story of filial piety by the local people be on everybody’s lips, white river is the village of Wang knows.

不说天天挂在人们嘴边的美国矽谷,咱们身边就有长虹使得四川绵阳妇孺皆知。 Do not say to be hanged in the American Silicon Valley of people mouth edge every day, there is long rainbow to make Sichuan continous in relief beside us Fu child all knows.

在这里妇孺皆知:“如果你杀了我的表兄,我一定杀你以维护我部落的荣誉”。 “If you kill my cousin, I will have to kill you to safeguard the tribe’s honor, ” is a mon phrase which prevails here.

我们应将几个商界中妇孺皆知的俗语牢记在心:“时间至关重要”,“时间就是金钱”。 Using a few well-known expressions, remember that, in business, “time is of the essence”, and “time is money”.

在陜西泾阳县,焦志学是位妇孺皆知的新闻人物,他干什么像什么,治理、技术样样在行。 In in relief county of Shaanxi short for the Jinghe River, jiao Zhixue is a news person that Fu child all tells, he does what to resemble, all of management, technology is be expert at.

方文山与周杰伦的合作尽人皆知,一曲《东风破》传唱大江南北,方文山才子之名妇孺皆知。 The cooperative known to all of Fang Wenshan and Zhou Jielun, ” east wind is broken ” pass sing great river north and south, the renown Fu child of Fang Wenshan’s talent all knows.

他天生敏感、易受影响,无法适应成名后的生活——讽刺的是,他还是世界上妇孺皆知的名角。 Highly sensitive and impressionable, he was unsuited to fame – ironic, given that his became one of the most recognised faces in the world.

中国有句话妇孺皆知:“妇女能顶半边天”。但为了提高妇女的地位,政府还要采取更多的措施。 In China everyone knows “Women hold up half of the sky. “, but still the government must do a lot more to improve women’s life.

在学汉语过程中,最轻易听到的抱怨正是这一点,西方人对汉语最害怕的也是这一点,简直是妇孺皆知。 It’s one of the most mon plaints about learning Chinese and it’s also one of the aspects of the language that westerners are notoriously bad at.

金圣叹,江苏苏州吴县人,我国明清时代卓有成就的文艺批评家,妇孺皆知的是他对《水浒传》的精彩评点。 Jin Sheng-tan who is from Wuxian Country, Jiangsu Province is a fruitful literary critic during the late Ming and early Qing period.

夏县及周边许多地方,人们不仅对嫘祖养蚕缫丝的故事妇孺皆知,耳熟能详,而且一直保留着养蚕缫丝的习惯。 Xiaxian and surrounding lot of places, people not only for ancestors sericulture Lei knows the story of silk reeling, familiar, and has retained the habit of reeling sericulture.

连续几年的房价上升早已成为妇孺皆知的事实,希望继续在沪置业者一定会比较理智地考虑房产的保值增值问题。 Consecutive years of rising prices has bee known fact that wish to continue working in Shanghai home buyers will more rationally consider the value of real estate value.

白居易在文学上积极提倡新乐府运动,他写的《秦中吟》和《新乐府》中的许多篇章,为人们喜闻乐见,妇孺皆知。 Bai Juyi in actively promoting the new literary movement Yuefu, he wrote, “Qin Yin” and “new Yuefu, ” in many chapters, for people love to see and hear, Furujiezhi.

我们不应该指责尔夫冈·彼德森,他只是努力地希望用自己人性的方式诠释这么一个脍炙人口妇孺皆知的神话故事。 We should not blame Wolfgang Petersen, who is just hard to want to use their own interpretation of human nature such a popular way of including women and children’s fairy tale.

摘 要 夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》和艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》这两部小说在中国已经是家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的英国经典了。 Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights are two English canons that are widely spread and well-known in China.

汉语语调稀奇古怪在学汉语过程中,最容易听到的抱怨正是这一点,西方人对汉语最害怕的也是这一点,简直是妇孺皆知。 Top 6 Because tonal languages are weird It’s one of the most mon plaints about learning Chinese, and it’s also one of the aspects of the language that westerners are notoriously bad at.

注一:西施相传是春秋时代的绝代佳人,是中国老百姓有口皆碑、妇孺皆知的美女。她姓施,名光夷;因为她生于“西村”,所以叫“西施”。 Note 1. Xishi was born in West Village or in the west of this village. She was known with her beauty. Shi is her first name. Xi means in Chinese “west” .

任长霞,这位令人崇敬的公安局长的名字,随着新闻媒体的传播,早已家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。她那高大完美的英雄形象、动人心魄的感人壮举,足以使人们流下动情之泪。 She is that lofty and perfect hero image, moving the impressive feat of heart soul, enough makes people sheds the tear of next bee enamoured.




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