以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!声色犬马shēng sè quǎn mǎ
据称,他用这些钱过声色犬马的生活。 He reportedly used the money to fund a life of debauchery.
五十年代简直就是声色犬马,酒色财气的十年。 The fifties were ten years of foreplay.
如本书标题所示,他谴责人们放纵于声色犬马。 In the book’s title manifesto, he decries our appetite for easy amusement and gluttonous pleasures.
刚才明令禁止的声色犬马想都不要想,这对你没有坏处。 To think no kind of pleasure forbidden whereof es no harm.
男主角天资过人,无所不能也无所不有,还过著声色犬马的生活。 The man who is the most intelligent in the world, he can do anything just as what he want and he has everything and flashy life.
让我们一起聚集起来“装神弄鬼”,声色犬马吧!一年一次,让我们都来做鬼吧! Let’s e together and bee the ghosts once a year!
安老院孤独生活的间隙,老人坐在床头滔滔讲述故去的声色犬马和落难后的牢狱之艰。 He tells of his past entertainments and prison life at leisure while sitting on the bed.
物欲横流、声色犬马的洛杉矶,这里是富人们的天堂,同时也是律师精英们一展拳脚的舞台。 QuanMa timbres money-centred, Los Angeles, here is a paradise of rich people, also is the fist opens lawyer elites.
他的父亲找了无数门路替他在政府部门找了一个工作,然而他却沉溺于声色犬马列之中,大家都说他恬不知耻。 his father found him a job in a government office finally all means. however, he indulged in sensual pleasures, everyone said he was shameless.
城市山谷会所里,国际顶级品牌汽车展示、国内知名获奖模特演绎香车美女,声色犬马广场更是尽展时尚休闲。 Valley city clubs, the international top brand car display, internal interpretation Heung Che-winning beauty contest, revelry, and sensual pleasures Square is full fashion leisure.
然而,假设这个借钱的地主丙是一浪荡子,他以土地作抵押借来的钱不是用于增加他的财产,而是挥霍浪费掉,用于声色犬马之好。 Suppose, however, that C, the borrowing landlord, is a spendthrift, who burdens his land not to increase his fortune but to squander it, expending the amount in equipages and entertainment s.
本来可以将邪恶的政府铲除的骑士们,却在酒馆里声色犬马——酗酒、嬉闹和玩乐。似乎没有人在意政府的所作所为,直到有一天…… The knights, who could have uprooted the evil government, were living it up in the tavern, drinking, laughing and making merry and no one seemed to care, until the day.
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