以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!四平八稳sì píng bā wěn
她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳的。She does almost everything on an even keel.第二是【四平八稳】的方形组合! The second is “Corners of the World” bination of square patterns!
她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳的。 She does almost everything on an even keel.
椅子要保持四脚着地,四平八稳。 Chairs should remain squarely on the floor.
她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳。 One who does menial work; a drudge.
扶手和柱脚应四平八稳。 Armrest and suspension column should lacking in initiative and overcautious.
四平八稳的家具在今年看来,已经“土得掉渣”。 The furniture of lacking in initiative and overcautious looks this year, already ” earth must drop broken bits ” .
所有的迹象表明,我所选择的职业生涯四平八稳。 By all appearances, my choice of careers seemed to have worked out.
政治舞台上的局面也是四平八稳,因为政党都名异而实同。 Everything is okay in politics because the political parties are the same.
如果还是像过去那样,四平八稳,按部就班,工作就搞不好。 If still resemble going in that way, lacking in initiative and overcautious, step-by-step, the job is done bad.
对比陈彤的“有理有据”,搜狐王昕在总结时则显得四平八稳。 Contrasts Chen Tong to have rational according to, Sohu Wang Xin when summary appears well organized.
你并非四平八稳地过日子;很难在较长的一段时间里面没有任何情绪波动。 You do not live your life on an even keel; you do not go for long periods without experiencing some mood swings.
与周遭的环境巧妙配合,将一切都处理得中规中矩,四平八稳,恰到好处。 I can deal with the environment properly, very steady and to the point.
更不能认为平衡是一团和气、四平八稳、循序渐进、不要对抗、不要抗争。 Moreover, we cannot just think that balance is harmony, stability, proceeding in an orderly and gradual way, no confrontation, and no conflict.
房子的高度在板楼住宅中绝对属于罕见的,房屋结构四平八稳,且景致极佳。 High Banlou residential house in absolute rare, safe housing structure, and landscape excellent.
摒弃四平八稳,鼓吹天趣盎然,创造自己独特的艺术风格,是刘阳先生不懈的追求。 To shake off the well-organized, to advocate the beauty of nature and to create art styles of his own represent the contents of Mr.
莱斯特:你听,路易,这双手仍然握著一条命。不活蹦乱跳,但精神仍在,四平八稳。 LESTAT: Listen, Louis, there’s life in these old hands still. Not quite furioso. Moderato cantabile, perhaps.
列斯达:你听,路易,这双手仍然握著一条命。不活蹦乱跳,但精神仍在,四平八稳。 LESTAT: Listen, Louis, there’s life in these old hands still. Not quite furioso. Moderato cantabile, perhaps.
他将一家200岁的四平八稳闭门造车的储蓄银行变成了中东欧地区最大的零售银行之一。 He has transformed the staid, insular, 200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail banks in central and eastern Europe.
从昨日盘面表现来看,海通证券整体表现得“四平八稳”,分时的均价更是几乎走成一条直线。 From yesterday’s performance of the disk, Haitong Securities as a whole was “balanced”, the average time is almost go into a straight line.
现在已经谣言四起,而今天报上刊载的史汀生发表的那种四平八稳、小心谨慎的谈话,更是推波助澜。 Rumour runs riot, and is fed by carefully balanced and guarded statements, such as that made by Stimson reported in today’s papers.
如果家里的报纸杂志“泛滥成灾”了,也可以把其中一个藤箱子抽出来,充当一个四平八稳的报纸框。 If the newspapers and magazines at home “serious” and one of the rattan boxes can be drawn to serve as a solid newspaper box.
平“有高低相等,不相上下之意,同时又有征服稳定的含义,平结象征富贵平安,四平八稳平步清云等。 Flat means same height, equal and stable as well. Flat knot symbolizes one will rich and safe and rapidly go up in the world.
在四平八稳的视觉上,做个小小的失序,就像人偶尔流露出的不安定气质,那种魅力,都是叫人难以抗拒的。 Make a slight missequence in the balanced sights seems like people occasionally have an instable temperament whose charm is the most irresistible.
一座吊桥总是高高耸立,而且四平八稳,这些均得益于桥粗壮的绳索的拉力能过桥塔及吊杆所产生的压力所致。 A suspension bridge must be balanced to stand up. It uses tension in the cables to create an overall force of pression in the towers.
他聪明、四平八稳、倾向于自由派。当总统要想表达崇高的、多少有点带哲学味道的超党派精神时,就用上他了。 Wise, balanced, leaning to the liberal side, he was used when the President wanted to convey lofty, somewhat philosophical non partisanship.
打个电话推掉好友的预约,四平八稳地躺在自己的那支大床上,打开刚掏得那本《时文选粹》平心静气地阅读起来。 Friends make a phone call turned down the appointment, lay a well-supported and that their large bed, open a book just out “when the text of article extracts” read them calmly.
他脸上不露一丝笑意,眉头一皱不皱,从第一句起,他用的就是四平八稳的腔调,没有变过。他绝不是生性就爱唠叨; He never smiled, he never frowned, he never changed his voice from the gentle-flowing key to which he tuned his initial sentence, he never betrayed the slightest suspicion of enthusiasm;
在我们想去控制自然环境的无尽期努力中,我们已四平八稳地上了路,可指望用我们自己所设计的人为环势来取代自然环境。 We are well on the way, in our timeless effort to bring the natural environment under control, to replacing it by artificial environment of out own contriving.
趋势效果也不是四平八稳的,这种不稳定可能使一些坚持此效果作用的投资者改弦易辙。 The momentum effect has also suffered some sharp switchbacks that may have wiped out those traders who tried to follow it.
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