以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!又弱一个yòu ruò yī gè
因此,在激光雷达系统中,探测淹没在噪声中的弱信号是一个基本又重要的问题。 Therefore, detecting the weak signals buried in noises is a fundamental and important problem in the lidar systems.
脑动脉瘤是沿脑内动脉壁生长的一个又弱又薄的区域,它可以变得很薄,极易破裂引起出血。 A brain aneurysm is a weak or thin area along an artery wall in the brain. It can bee so thin that it ruptures and bleeds.
他又弱弱地问了上帝一个问题,“噢,上帝,我现在就要离开天堂了,请告诉我天使的名字。” He asked God one more question, softly, “Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”
又有什么意义?你们就这样对待一个弱女子?你们就这样对待一个弱女子吗? What will have been the point? Is that how you treat a weak woman?
游击战争的战略问题是在这样的情况之下发生的:中国既不是小国,又不像苏联,是一个大而弱的国家。 The question of strategy in guerrilla war does arise, however, in the case of China, which is neither small nor like the Soviet Union, but which is both a large and a weak country .
垄断行业是体制改革相对缓慢、竞争能力相对较弱的行业,也是效率不高而又有损公平的行业,是中国经济改革的下一个对象。 The industries which monopoly firms stay in little reform and weak petitive capacity, with low efficiency and less fair, are certainly the next aim of economic reform.
法国研究者在星期一说到,中年人吸烟比不吸烟的人来说,在记忆力的测试中要表现的比较弱,这无疑是不要吸烟的又一个理由。 Middle-aged adults who smoke tended to perform poorly on tests of memory and reasoning pared to nonsmokers, adding to the list of reasons not to smoke, French researchers said on Monday.
文 中又介绍了自适应滤波器的一个重要应用方面——自适应干扰对消器 ,旨在通过应用新算法的对消器结构完成从弱信号中消除强干扰噪声 的任务。 Adaptive noise canceling is introduced as one important practicing of the adaptive filter, which aims to acplish the noise cancellation by using the FQN algorithm.
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