以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!冲锋陷阵chōng fēng xiàn zhèn
“共产党员跟我来”的一声召唤,多少人冲锋陷阵! “The munist es with me ” call, how many person charge forward!
需要冲锋陷阵的个人英雄,也需要天衣无缝的整体协作; Needs to break through enemy lines individual hero, also needs the flawless whole cooperation;
他是一个想当将军的士兵,可以冲锋陷阵,但没有将军的才智。 He is a foot soldier who wants to be a general, but without the talent and the skills of a general.
假如你觉得自己坐在马上样子古怪,就很难领导骑兵冲锋陷阵。 Its hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.
它们各不相挤,各循自己的路线进行;既使冲锋陷阵,仍不散乱。 No one crowds another, each advances in his own track; Though they fall into the ditches, they are not checked.
对于他可能回去白鹿径球场的留言,基恩说他愿意为利物浦冲锋陷阵。 He has been linked with a return to White Hart Lane but Keane says he is happy to fight for his place at the Anfield.
两军相交,各拿兵器奋勇向前冲锋陷阵而不惧刀剑者,这就是武士们的勇气。 Warrior’s courage is that he is fearless to knife and sword, rushing forward when facing enemy in the battle.
就在第二年讨袁战争的四川丰都之役,他率部冲锋陷阵,头部连中两弹,失去右眼。 In 1916, while leading his troops in the Fengdu battle in Sichuan Province , he was struck by two bullets in the head and lost his right eye.
更加令人不可思议的变化是:从前公交车辆还未停稳,侯车人群便哄拥而上和冲锋陷阵。 More is incredibly changes are: bus hasnt stopped, vehicle car and coaxed the crowd arms and fergie.
身手矫捷、利落,冲锋陷阵快如飞箭,气概豪壮能胜千夫,忠心保卫国家,并善于用剑戟。 Agile and moves as fast as a released arrow, loyal to the state and knows how to use the sword or halberd very well.
我们18岁的青年人已经在战场上冲锋陷阵,他们可以投票,若犯法则受与成人同等的处罚。 At 18, our young people risk their lives in military service, vote for president and can be prosecuted as adults.
德克·库伊特:正如他一直以来为球队冲锋陷阵的表现,他和托雷斯的搭档让我们对新赛季充满期待。 Dirk Kuyt. As always he worked his socks off for the team cause and his link-up play with Torres was very encouraging for the season ahead.
在提问开端之前,那一瞬间的沉默中,我重新坚定了自己的信念,我将跟随他在每一次战役中冲锋陷阵。 In the brief time of silence ago the questions started, I settled considering these I be to follow he into any battle.
在提问开始之前,那一瞬间的沉默中,我重新坚定了自己的信念,我将跟随他在每一次战争中冲锋陷阵。 In the brief moment of silence before the questions started, I recalled thinking that I would follow him into any battle.
最后几场比赛我们拥有一些伤员,所以我们的门将彼特-格拉希斯只能冲锋陷阵,公平地说他踢得不错。 We had a few knocks in our final game so our goalkeeper Peter Gulacsi had to play up front and he did quite well to be fair.
在职场上冲锋陷阵了多年后,室内设计师叶满枝不但挨坏了身子,跟家人的关系亦大不如前。 Having spent many years building her career as an interior designer, YIP MOON-CHI not only finds her health deteriorating but also suffers a strained relationship with her family.
最后几场比赛我们拥有一些伤员,所以我们的门将彼特-格拉希斯只能冲锋陷阵,公平地说他踢得不错。 It has been a good tournament to take part in and we only conceded one goal in six games. We just needed a little bit more in the final third.
这些生物绝对不敢违抗这样一位强大的恶魔领主,到时阿格雷尔便可以指挥它们在任何战场上冲锋陷阵了。 Those creatures would not dare to betray such a powerful Demon Lord, he will be able to drive them before him into any battle.
当您领导您的分会冲锋陷阵时,是否也考虑在春季大会上,利用大会手册的介绍,将您的分会带向一个高峰? Under your strong leadership, do you also consider using Convention Book to lead your club to a high peak?
这类龙头股,某板块走强的过程中,往往上涨时冲锋陷阵在先,回调时走势抗跌,能够起到稳定军心的作用。 Such leading stocks, a strong process of plate, often up front at first, and the callback when the trend of resilience, can play a role in the stability of the morale of the troops.
接着,本书领着读者来到了他在前线战场冲锋陷阵的活跃时期,那时他已经变得一个残酷无情但坚毅的战士。 ve and scared new recruit, through to his period of active duty at the front, by which time he has bee a brutalized and hardened soldier.
我们不仅将永远记住这一天,我们将更加英勇地冲锋陷阵以捍卫自由,保卫这个世界上一切美好和正义的事业。 None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
我们也不允许那些愿意在战场上冲锋陷阵、愿意用鲜血来印证忠诚的人们,做出这样巨大、却又徒劳无益的牺牲。 Nor should we allow those who would march off and pay the ultimate sacrifice, who would prove the full measure of devotion with their blood, to make such an awful sacrifice in vain.
最艰苦的部分其实是在游行过程中要避开武装力量动员队,因为这些人要求所有女性都优雅的坐在椅子上,而不是冲锋陷阵。 The toughest part was during the parade – getting rid of the basij who wanted all women to sit down on chairs in a ladylike fashion instead of charging about.
而白菜女人却没有这样幸运了,不要说让几十万人为你打十年战争,就是让一个男人终生为你冲锋陷阵都不是一件容易的事。 Scarcely is a man willing to endure difficulties for her for all his life, let alone hundreds of thousands of men fighting for a decade.
队长特里在星期三的整场比赛中,带领球队冲锋陷阵。这是他的体能医生所赞同的。同时,俱乐部经理在谈论著进球,进球,进球。 Captain John Terry believes his 90 minutes leading England on Wednesday were just what the fitness doctor ordered. Meanwhile his club manager is talking goals, goals, goals.
照片号SIN0363。2001年。新加坡一年一度的国家图书馆旧书展销会上,老人和孩子睡着了,大人在人群中冲锋陷阵买便宜书。 Photo ID: SIN0363. In the annual National Library book fair. The old and young were sleeping while the parents were fighting for book bargains with the crowd. Singapore 2001.
这套明晃晃的盔甲,可不只是摆设,总督确曾穿着它多次在庄严的阅兵式表演武场上耀武扬威,而且,更重要的,也确曾穿着它在皮廓德之战中冲锋陷阵。 but had been worn by the Governor on many a solemn muster and draining field, and had glittered, moreover, at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war.
但是你为我想过没有,如果战争这样继续下去,当你在枪林弹雨中冲锋陷阵的时候,我只能无助的在通讯频道里听着你的声音,除了帮你祈祷之外我什么事也做不了。 But I know, too, that if the war rums out that way, I’ll be listening to your voice, out there in the Danger Zone, and I won’t be able to do a single thing about it but hope and pray.
遵守单位的规章制度,忍受着同事们的闲言碎语和嫉妒,还有老板,主管就像层层大山压得你喘不过起来…好不容易熬到了下班一身轻松却又要冲锋陷阵奋不顾身的投入到回家的人海中。 Dealing all day long with work-place politics, gossiping and jealous co-workers, bosses and supervisors…… and all day looking forward to another stressed out ballet with rush hour on the way home.
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