
冒号应紧跟它前面的单词,无需空格,但跟后面的单词之间需要空一格。其次,冒号之后的词可用大写字母开头也可用小写字母开头,如果是另一个完整句子的开始,则用大写字母开头;如果只是句子的一部分,则用小写字母开头即可。冒号所表示的意思有很多,不同场合用法和意义皆不同,具体来说主要有以下几种: 1、解释说明 例1:The English teacher wants just one thing from us: that we try our best. (英语老师只希望我们做到一点:全力以赴。) 例2:May I offer you a suggestion: don"t drive without your seat belts fastened. (给你一个建议:开车一定要系安全带。) 2、承接因果 例1:I turned to look at the children, but there weren"t any in sight: they had all run away. (我转过头去看那些孩子,他们却全无踪影:他们都跑光了。) 例2:We found the place easily: your directions were perfect. (我们找到这个地方毫不费力:你的导航太棒了。) 3、举例或罗列 例1:There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. (人生的悲剧有两种:一种是得不到自己想要的,一种是得到它。) 例2:For our camping trip, I brought various essential items: a lantern, a sleeping bag, food, water, and a flashlight. (关于露营,我带了各种必备品:一盏灯,一个睡袋,食物,水,还有一个手电筒。) 4、用于引用 例1:The professor said: "It was horrible."(教授说:"这太可怕了。") 例2:In his most famous speech, he said: all men are created equal and must enjoy the equal rights that are given by God. (在他最的演讲中,他说:人人生而平等,必须享受上帝赋予的平等权利。) 5、隔开正副标题 例1:Web Directory: World and Non-U.S. Economic Data(网络目录:世界与非美国经济数据) 例2:Math Application: Using Calculus to Determine the Age of Rocks (数学应用:利用微积分测定岩石年龄) 6、用于正式信件的称呼后(美式) 例1:Dear Mr. Lee: We were very honored to have you come visit our company. (亲爱的李先生,非常荣幸您来我公司参观考察) 7、表示时间 例1:The train is to leave at 4:45 pm. (火车下午4:45开) 8、表示比例 例1:The proportion of men to women is 3:5. (男女比例是3:5)
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