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小组的英文 小组口号英文



  一、2 一、3

  apple team strawberry team

  Try our best! We can be the best! Don"t stop! Never give up! cat team peach team

  Come on! Never give up! never say sop! I can, I can, I can be the NO.1! doll teamred team

  Study, study, go go go! Super super super star! We are the super tiger team super super star!

  Ready? Go, go! Come on! Go go! blue team

  Pinwheel team East or west, we are the best!

  We are the best! Watch and see!orange team

  star teamCome on, come on,we are the best! Don"t be shy, just try!teddy bear team

  I"m good! I"m better! I"m the best!


  flower team wind team

  Come on, come on, we are the best! Happy learning, happy growing! happy teamspring team

  We are the champions! We are the best!NO pain, no gain.

  time team snowman team

  Happy class, happy English! We are the future! We can do the best! sunny teamtree team

  Fly, fly, let your dream fly!Study happily, happy everyday! dream teamseven o"clock team

  Never give up,never give in, yes, we can! Yes, you can! Seven o"clock, go forward! golden team climb team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we all can be NO.1! Who"s the winner? We are the winners!

  kite team

  Be good! Do right!

  green team

  Green team, go on moving!

  jump team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we

  all can be NO.1!


  一、2 一、3

  apple team strawberry team

  Try our best! We can be the best! Don"t stop! Never give up!

  cat team peach team

  Come on! Never give up! never say sop! I can, I can, I can be the NO.1! doll teamred team

  Study, study, go go go! Super super super star! We are the super tiger team super super star!

  Ready? Go, go! Come on! Go go! blue team

  Pinwheel team East or west, we are the best!

  We are the best! Watch and see!orange team

  star teamCome on, come on,we are the best! Don"t be shy, just try!teddy bear team

  I"m good! I"m better! I"m the best!


  flower team wind team

  Come on, come on, we are the best! Happy learning, happy growing! happy teamspring team

  We are the champions! We are the best!NO pain, no gain.

  time team snowman team

  Happy class, happy English! We are the future! We can do the best! sunny teamtree team

  Fly, fly, let your dream fly!Study happily, happy everyday! dream teamseven o"clock team

  Never give up,never give in, yes, we can! Yes, you can! Seven o"clock, go forward! golden team climb team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we all can be NO.1! Who"s the winner? We are the winners!

  kite team

  Be good! Do right!

  green team

  Green team, go on moving!

  jump team

  I can, you can, everybody can, we

  all can be NO.1!


  tiger teamReady? Go, go! Come on! Go go!blue team I"m good! I"m better! I"m the best! Pinwheel team East or west, we are the best! star team Come on, come on,we are the best!

  flower teamCome on! Never give up! never say sop! wind team

  happy team

  time team

  sunny team

  tree teamStudy, study, go go go!

  dream team

  golden team

  climb team

  kite team

  green team

  jump team

  Happy learning, happy growing! We are the champions! We are the best! We are the future! We can do the best! Fly, fly, let your dream fly! Never give up,never give in, yes, we can! Yes, you can! I can, you can, everybody can, we all can be NO.1! Who"s the winner? We are the winners! Super super super star! We are the super Green team, go on moving! I can, you can, everybody can, we all can be NO.1!

1.《小组的英文 小组口号英文》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《小组的英文 小组口号英文》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。





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