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comsuption 求英语高手麻烦检查下这篇作文中的错误,


求英语高手麻烦检查下这篇作文中的错误,是有关信用卡的优缺点的文章In todays fast the life conditions.Credit card has been most men the necessaries of life.Have to say,a credit card has brought people too much convenience.It solve the daily consumption of the many troubles.Example when buying articles can"t carry much money,or is on a piece of goods is found that the amount you can use the overdraft and so on.Can be said that the credit card has made life easy a lot.But credit card presence also bring some negative influences.Some people will not be able to correct estimate their spending power,and bought many didn"t is very need things,besides credit card to pay the interest on shopping is such great debts furious,and found that these may be too late.I think the credit card in dealing with emergency spending time is a very good tool,but does not mean it can optional spending money.Only credit card and achieve rational consumption handheld people who never to finally be credit CARDS are enslaved二楼的你照搬别人的东西不觉得很过分吗?而且所答非所问,你抄过来的东西是我上次提问题的时候发给我的改正,麻烦你不想回答就不要答。


With the rapid development of the whole world,living standard has been boosted.Therefore,credit card has become the necessicity in our daily life,which has brought a lot of convenience to humans.Credit cards solve many problem generated when people are shopping everyday.People don"t need to withdraw cash from ATM,and carry it everywhere.For example,when shopping online,people can pay by credit card instead of cash.我修改了一下 你看看行不However,it still exists some dark sides.Credit card make people overuse their money,which lead them to buy something they don"t need.People tend to be lack of thinking about the worth of spending money,and pay for their item immediately,especially when shopping online.To sum up,credit card is really a good invention for people too use,in particular when people encounter emergency.Also it gradually make people lose their ability to control their expense.Only rational comsuption can help people to overcome this situation.

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