1. 我在山西省艺术学院上学,学校所设立的专业有舞蹈,音乐,美术等等,这里的老师很优秀,学生也很上进,同时学校还设立了图书馆,阅览室,学生宿舍,餐厅等等来供学生们学习和生活上的'帮助,我喜欢我的大学生活
Come to support studying and help in life of the students, I like my university life
2. 建有两幢教学楼各三层共24个课室,各种功能场室(多媒体电教室、语言实验室、电脑室、仪器室、科学实验室、图书阅览室、美术室、音乐室、体育室、劳技室、卫生室、心理辅导室、少先队大队部等)配备齐全。
Built two three-story classroom building of a total of 24 classrooms, a variety of functions games room multimedia electric classrooms, language laboratories, computer rooms, equipment rooms, science laboratories, library reading room, art room, music room, sports room LO technology room, health room, counseling room, the Ministry of Young Pioneers Battalion, etc.
3. 本句汉语意思是:在阅览室里,我们看见她坐在桌旁,全神贯注地看一本杂志。
In the reading room, we found her seated at a desk, with her attention fixed on a magazine.
4. 本阅览室是闭架服务,即读者不能进入书库,而需要根据卡片目录或OPAC目录检索相关书籍,填写索书单之后,由工作人员来取书以供阅览,每次限阅三本。
Users may find out the pressmark of a book by using the card catalogue or OPAC of our library, and fill out a reading request list.
5. 自然科学仪器室、实验室、音乐室、舞蹈室、卫生室、图书室、师生阅览室、档案室、少先队部室、体育器材室、美术室、心理辅导室、广播室、文印室、各功能室设施齐备。
Science equipment rooms, laboratories, music room, dance room, health room, library, teacher-student reading room, archives room, Young Pioneers Ministry of room, sports equipment room, art rooms, counseling rooms, radio studios, printing and copying rooms, each function room amenities.
6. 该院专门规划设计了高标准的档案保管室和档案阅览室。
Special planning and design institute high standards of archives storage room and archives Yuelan Shi.
7. 同时,专门设置80平方米的档案阅览室,配备必要设施,方便规划系统和外单位人员借阅。
At the same time, the specialized setting of 80 square meters of archives reading room, equipped with necessary facilities to facilitate the planning system and the outer unit personnel to borrow.
8. 现在主营产品:北京金盘图书馆集成管理系统、电子阅览室系统、机房管理系统、PDA外采工具、电子资源管理系统、图书馆VOD视频点播系统等多种产品。
Now Main Products: Beijing Gold Disk Library Integrated management systems, electronic reading-room system, room management system, PDA foreign mining tools, electronic resources management systems, library systems, such as video-on-demand VOD multiple products.
表达诊疗室的英文单词:consulting room1. 举例来说,为何医生的诊疗室常采用较柔和的颜色,而非红色或黑色呢?
For example, why are doctors'offices usually in soft colors and not red or black?
2. 轮到你了,请跟我来,你在五号诊疗室。
It's your turn. Please follow me. You are in Exam Room five.
3. 医生的诊疗室在哪儿?
Where is the doctor's office?
4. 他读着医生的诊疗室里的须知。
He read the warning in the doctor's surgery.
5. 在他们登场以前强仁的腿受伤了,但是他没有想到要去诊疗室,后来导致
Kangin injured his leg before their debut, but he did not want to go through the
6. 我们到隔壁的诊疗室去
Let's go next door to the exam room.
7. 医生将会在诊疗室见你
Doctor will see you in the office.
8. 我们想要发展一种能够在医生诊疗室里实施的10分钟低支出的检查表。
We'd like to develop a tool that could be administered in a physician's office in 10 minutes at low cost.
表达娱乐室的英文单词:recreation room1. 在娱乐室兼会客空间内,玩具隐藏在绒线刺绣帘幕的后方。
Toys hidden behind crewelwork curtains in the playroom-cum-parlor.
2. 下面是一些来自嘻哈父亲的话:首先我的比赛是1520塞奇威克大道,这是一个娱乐室,其实在我的公寓,yunno一样空头支票。,老鼠来的砖块跳舞。
Here are some words from the Father of Hip Hop: The first place I played was 1520 Sedgewick Avenue-that's a recreation room-matter of fact in my apartment, yunno.
3. 昨天,我们单位在锦绣家园有接待,我们中午就按照领导的要求买了一些水果过去了,在安排服务员打扫好娱乐室后,我就在一旁休息直到领导他们过来,当然,项目还是那些老的,打牌、吹牛等待吃饭。昨晚还是喝了好多酒,两桌大概喝了有七八瓶南充苞谷酒和十多瓶果醋的,当然,我最想写的还是我们的两大桌菜,都没怎么吃,饭桌结束后,二三十个菜还有80%可能是没吃的,都白白的倒了,怪可惜的。
With many thanks to all the visitors and friends who gave me comments and encouraging words on my blog and all your words are carefully read and understood, I also left my messages on some of your blog to express my gratitude.
4. 它还包括一个多用途宿舍为孩子们和他们的朋友/娱乐室。
It also includes a multi-purpose dorm/playroom for the the kids and their friends.
5. 我们盖了一间相当大的快餐厅,还在工场后面建了一个娱乐室。
We built a big snack bar, and a recreation area behind the shop.
6. 他气昂昂来到管娱乐室那个勤务兵住的小帐篷里,给了他一顿熊。
He stalked over to the pup tent of the recreation tent orderly and bawled him out.
7. 我准备把这间教室变为学生们的娱乐室。
I am going to turn this classroom into a playroom for the students.
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