gsm compact表达的意思是什么
gsm仅有三个字母组成,相信翻译起来也是比较容易的,到底下gsm的翻译是什么呢?面是百分网小编精心收集的gsm compact的翻译,希望大家喜欢!
abbr. 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications);政府标准手册(Government Standards Manual);销售总经理(General Sales Manager)
gsm的短语GSM Technology 全球移动通信系统技术 ; 全球挪动通讯零碎技术 ; gsm技术
GSM only 设置首选类型 ; 正在翻译
GSM模块 GSM module ; GSM modem ; gsm modules ; gsm modular
GSM GroupSystemMobile 群组系统移动器材
gsm系统 gsm cellular system ; gsm system ; a gsm system ; gsm systems
GSM NOZZLE 环球 ; 吸嘴
GSM GPS 采用双内置天线 ; 模块
GSM Blend 罗纳河谷混酿
gsm网 gsm networks ; gsm network ; gsm net
GSM的双语例句1. For more compactness of the system, the main module integrates manual keypad, central management unit, speech recognition unit, GSM1GPRS remote control unit and power line modem, while the executive module integrates power line modem and home appliance driver, mostly a relay or regulator.
2. Thereby, existing GSM networks can be upgraded on a non-disruptive basis.
3. Driven by the need for improved efficiency and support for multiple complex standards, polar-modulation solutions for cellular radios are emerging as the de facto standard modulation technique in the GSM/Edge market.
4. As per implemented automatic measuring forecast system of water regime, some potential problems are probed concerning dump-bucket rain meter, GSM communication terminal, power source and lightning protection system, and relevant preventive measures and solutions are presented on the basis of above analyses.
5. This paper introduces the architecture of GSM location system and its implementation scheme. It describes the infrared communication interface protocol of this demo system, and brings forward the status transform diagram used by the protocol. It mainly analyses the theories and methods of the location algorithm used by the demo system, and builds its channel model. Meanwhile, it analyses the testing results in the micro-cellular condition.
6. It describes the infrared communication interface protocol of this demo system, and brings forward the status transform diagram used by the protocol. It mainly analyses the theories and methods of the location algorithm used by the demo system, and builds its channel model. Meanwhile, it analyses the testing results in the micro-cellular condition.
7. CDMA phones are engineered specifically for an individual carrier, whereas GSM phones make use of a removable memory card called the Subscriber Identity Module.
8. For the GSM program, general professional occupations require a qualification at least equivalent to an Australian Qualifications Framework AQF
9. Three layered packing material of approximately 200 gsm first layer being 10*10 mesh hdpe fabric followed by 4 micron (100 gauge) ldpe lamination grade confirming to LA 1070 virgin plastic bonded firmly to sack craft paper of 100 GSM having burst factor of 25; layered sheet cut and made in to box type having denomination wise dimensions and per our drawinggiven below, with an extension flap of 40mm overlap on both the top covers which will be pasted by adhesive tape. the four corner joints of the box type hape packing material shall be firmly stitched and bonded together with hdpe self adhesive tape by the supplier.
3层约200克包装材料第一层为10 * 10高密度聚乙烯网布4微米(100计)聚乙烯层压级确认洛杉矶1070处女塑料粘结牢固解雇100 GSM的牛皮纸有爆裂的25倍后,分层板材剪切和以箱型尺寸和明智的面额有根据我们drawinggiven作出以下的40毫米扩大皮瓣,同时在顶部重叠覆盖将由胶带粘贴。四大高原肺水肿的箱式包装材料的接缝应角落牢固地缝合,保税与高密度聚乙烯的供应商自我胶带在一起。
10. In 2002 before the introduction of BlackBerry 5810, the survey showed that the most popular function of mobile devices are data-processing capacity, such as Push e-mail technology, organization, thumb keyboard. 5810 is the first BlackBerry handset to provide a function call, it will add one of GSM mobile phone functionality, but need to use a headset.
在2002年BlackBerry 5810推出之前,调查显示移动设备最受欢迎的功能是数据处理能力,像Push e-mail技术、组织功能、thumb键盘等。5810是第一款BlackBerry手机,提供了通话功能,它将GSM手机功能加入其中,但是需要使用一个耳麦。
11. Based on Wheels Electronics Group`s strong foundations in world auto industry.
12. The Constant Modulus Algorithm antenna arrays in the GSM systems are analyzed, CMA arrays can overcome the CCI from the intercells and partially overcome the ISI. The CMA is nonsensitive with the phase shift. The CMA criteria having real part and imaginary part can decreased the reliance of the sequentially temporal equalizer and carrier tracking measures
13. GSM wireless Air-pressure Intelligentized Burglarproof System for Car will provide more convenient and safer alarm service for your vehicle.
14. The main research object of this paper is GSM mobile terminal unit software, i. e. mobile telephone software.
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