kilojoule 千焦;killer judo 柔道;kraut joint 克劳特连接;
1. 千焦耳:1.1千卡(kcal)=4.18千焦耳(kJ 1千焦耳(kJ)=0.24千卡(kcal)2.生物氧化----营养素在体内被氧化成为二氧化碳和水并放出能量的过程可以称为生物氧化,在生物氧化过程中,有腺苷三磷酸(ATP)形成,ATP在细胞内普遍存在.
2. 法:例如Web或电子邮件、语言应用等A项应为CRM技术有三种类型:运营型、协作型、分析型;B项运营型CRM可能用于整合企业资源管理(ERP)应用的财务及人力资源职能. a.过程决策程序图(PDPC) b.计划评审法(PERT) c.亲和图法(KJ) d.关键路线法(CPM)
3. 亲和图:模型结合质量机能展开(QFD)和质量屋(HOQ)的思想,从城市森林树种选择需求出发,并在实施过程中应用层次分析法(AHP)、亲和图(KJ)等技术方法,对宝鸡市城市森林树种的选择提供了实践指导及树种选择方案的定量评审.
4. 匝=框+巾:自=撇+目 pm | 匝=框+巾 kj | 西=兀+框 wk
5. kj:knee jerk; 膝反射
kj的单语例句1. The experimental results show that the variation of mild steel corrosion potentials after adding inhibitors is linear with respect to the reciprocal of temperature. HA is an anodic type inhibitor, and SDEDTC is a mixed type inhibitor. Their adsorption forms are physical, and the adsorption heat reaches to -35kJ/mol and -30kJ/mol, respectively.
2. The measured reaction enthalpy is 80 kJ/mol, the reaction volume is 10 mL/mol.
测得的反应热量与体积分别为80 kJ/mol和10 mL/mol。
3. And 26%, higher heating value s from the dried refuse are 11040 and 11576 kJ/ kg, and lower heating value s from moisture - bearing refuse are 935 and 7248 kJ/kg.
4. Results:The Chinese diagnosis criteria of IPG for DVT:lmpedance excursion rising height36mm, impedance excursion falling deepness1mm, kj/yh71, the rate of change impedan...
5. The solid-state proton diffusion coefficient in the anode and cathode courses were measured by Chronoamperometry.
6. The pH value of UP solution at different concentration were determined by PHS-2C numerable acidimeter.
7. There are a few defects in existing processes of biomass gasification, for example using air as gasifying medium, N2 and tar content of the gas is high, and the calorific value is as low as 5000kJ/N in3. The technology of a circulating fluidized bed is still tentative at laboratory level. Through direct pyrolyze biomass, we can get product gas with high heating value (l4000kJINm3), but gas yield ratio is low (O.35m3/kg).
kj的双语例句1. The study of kinetics of homogeneous hydroxymethylation show that the reaction of lignin and formaldehyde is two grade reaction. The active energy is 124.4KJ/mol.
2. The mean activation enegry and enthalpy for hydrolysis of difenoconazole was 55.53 kJ/mol and 53.01 kJ/mol. The activation entropy decreased as the temperature went up, and the mean activation entropy was -92.45 kJ/molk.
苯醚甲环唑水解反应的平均活化能和活化焓分别为55.53 kJ/mol和53.0 1kJ/mol,而苯醚甲环唑水解反应的活化熵随温度升高而降低,表现出明显的相关性,其平均活化熵为-92.45 kJ/molk。
3. The heat capacity of the complex was measured by a high-precise fully-automated adiabatic calorimeter from 79 to 371K. No obvious abnormal heat capacity was observed within this low temperature range. The thermal decomposition temperature range of the complex was near 333K. Its decomposition temperature, decomposition enthalpy and entropy were 320.010K, 40.714kJ/mol and 127.227J/molK, respectively.
4. 5KJ/molK, respectively. Fracture toughness of Ti〓Al-Nb/Ti〓Si〓 alloy is greatly improved after hot-rolling and the result of J-resistance curve calculation is similar to that of the experimental data of Ti〓Al-Nb alloy.
5. In the range of temperature 953--1053K, the relationship between diffusioncoefficients and temperature is represented by lgD_La(Al-Sl=-1.78×10~(-3)-4909/T.
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2.《kj是什么 缩写kj的中文表达是什么意思》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。