英 [med]
abbr. medicine 医学; medium 中间; medical 医学的; medal 奖章
1. 治疗:颈、腰椎间盘突出症实行超市式治疗方法,各种方法有医师指导患者可任意选择:A推拿复位+药物熏蒸+骶管注射疗法;B电脑三维牵引床牵引复位+骶管注射疗法;C综合治疗(电脑三维牵引床牵引复位+骶管注射疗法+药物熏蒸D微创治疗(MED)包括:C臂下经皮穿刺木瓜胶原酶溶核术,
2. 冥思:)首先,bh+charge pal技能分配:bh相关技能max,冥思(med)+1(这个所有BH PAL都知道,应该是78级就OK了). 剩余点数全部加祈祷--这点基本上没有几个人想到过(谢谢sherry mm,星月斑竹的提醒). 请注意:剩余点数+在祈祷(prayer)对冥思有恢复生命的加成,
3. 教育学硕士:对学校外部学生来说,充裕的图书馆资源和互联网都是必备的. 尽管课程作业单元在校外模式下可以进行,但是完成教育学硕士(MEd) 论文需要经过教育学院、文学部和研究生中心的批准.
4. 麦地那:麦地那 (MED) 达曼 (DMM)从麦地那 (MED)飞往达曼 (DMM)的`直飞航班麦地那 (MED) 达曼 (DMM)从麦地那 (MED)飞往达曼 (DMM)的转接航班麦地那 (MED) 达曼 (DMM)麦地那 (MED) 达曼 (DMM)
5. med:minimum erythema dose; 最小红斑量
6. med:A multiple effect distillation; 多效蒸发
7. med:minimum effective dose; 最小有效剂量
8. med:micro-endoscopic discectomy; 椎间盘镜
英文单词med的单语例句1. Pfizer filed a patent application in May 1994 for the use of sildenafil citrate in MED treatment in China.
2. I know in each Club Med resort there's such a service.
3. Perhaps Tao is trying to be too many things where it could be enhanced by focusing solely on its Med aspects.
4. So is Fosun International, which took a stake in the French upmarket resort operator Club Med in June.
5. The resort company opened its first resort Club Med Yabuli in the Northeast Heilongjiang province in December 2010.
6. In Club Med's Yabuli resort, skiing is no longer the only choice for visitors in winter.
7. Club Med has been running a flying trapeze program since the 1980's.
英文单词med的双语例句1. Victor Mancini, a sex-addicted med-school dropout, who keeps his increasingly deranged mother, Ida, in an expensive private medical hospital by working days as a historical reenactor at a Colonial Williamsburg theme park.
Rockwell饰演的Victor Mancini 是一个沉溺于性爱的医学院辍学学生,其母亲Ida精神错乱病情的日益严重,为供养其在昂贵的私家医院的医疗费,白天在威廉斯堡殖民主题公园演讲历史。
2. It's an uphill task: Chi-Med's shares have bombed since the company floated on the junior London Aim market in 2006, from a float price of 275p to 80p.
这是一项艰巨的任务:和黄于 2006年在伦敦初级AIM市场上市以来,其股价严重下跌,浮动价格从275英镑跌至80英镑。
3. When I first saw her, she was walking across the med-school quad.
4. Department of Neurosurgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Med. Coll., Yinchuan 750004
作者:作者:张庆华,张莉,孙涛,大谷浩,田继辉,夏鹤春,李宗正,刘吉庆,郝少才作者单位:日本岛根大学医学部,出云 693-8501 来源:医学期刊/大学学报收藏本文章
5. The terrorist attack ram med home the need for tighter security.
6. Selectable Hi/Med/Low Power Output: Choose between High Power to maximize range, Medium or Low Power to conserve battery life.
7. This box is cram med with Christmas gifts.
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