grow on的中文是什么意思
英语grow on的用法是比较重要的,那它的中文意思也就有必要知道了。百分网小编为大家精心准备了短语grow on的几种中文意思,欢迎大家前来阅读。
英 [ɡrəu ɔn] 美 [ɡro ɑn]
在…上面生长; 越来越被…喜欢; 逐渐加强
1. Modern music starts to grow on people.
grow on的单语例句1. It's quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.
2. China has also demonstrated to its neighbors how to grow productivity based on more efficient capital investment.
3. Farmers also grow cash crops on sandy lands to improve vegetation and increase earnings.
4. Since small farmers often feed their cattle whatever they grow on their farms, the protein content in the milk is not stable.
5. It provides a pictorial glossary of Chinese herbs, acupressure techniques and even instructions on how to grow goji berries.
6. The guidelines on tourism also pointed out the government additionally encourages qualified companies in the industry to grow bigger and stronger through mergers and acquisitions.
7. One of the statues shows a saint meditating for so long that leaves grow on him and snakes climb up his body.
8. A smiling Lindsay Lohan was released on Thursday from almost five years of formal probation, and told by a Los Angeles judge to grow up and stop clubbing.
9. Our Sustainability Report focuses on Daimler's comprehensive strategy to grow our business in China sustainably.
grow on的双语例句1. Good luck on your new job and may you find it a wonderful place to work and grow.
2. I grow tomatoes on my little plot of land.
3. It's expensive. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
4. You know money doesn't grow on trees.
5. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
6. Money may not grow on trees, but it does grow out of the ground.
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