英 [ˈəʊnərəs] 美 [ˈɑ:nərəs]
形容词 繁重的; 麻烦的.; 负有义务的
1. (任务)繁重的,艰巨的,麻烦的
If you describe a task as onerous, you dislike having to do it because you find it difficult or unpleasant.
e.g. ...parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up a very difficult child.
onerous的单语例句1. Banks are supposed to carry out the onerous task of maintaining financial stability, not pursue wild unregulated investment profiting through reckless lending.
2. Companies'preference for commercial paper issuance over corporate and enterprise bonds is due to the less onerous approval process.
3. But those programs have added to the nation's already onerous fiscal deficit and antagonized factory owners who say workers have grown lazy on government aid.
4. Investment banks expressed concerns that the proposed changes may increase the costs of arranging IPOs because it will require more onerous due diligence work.
5. A few prospective employers carry signs offering work but have no takers because the wages and conditions seem too onerous even for this hungry crowd.
6. Trudeau said Republicans have legislated " onerous preconditions for a perfectly legal procedure " and withdrawn funds for reproductive health services that prevent unwanted pregnancies.
7. Democratic Party lawmaker Fred Li expressed disappointment, saying he had never seen such onerous increases.
8. Though the security process was quite onerous, she was pleasantly surprised by how smooth the city's public transit ran after the show.
9. Hu said building national defense capability was an onerous task in a complicated and changing international situation.
onerous的双语例句1. About the nature of labour power capital, the essay thinks that the stack is the consuderation of labour power capital and the labour power capital is bi-lateral duty and onerous.
2. Deloitte's head of audit, Geoff Pinnock, said the requirements would also be onerous for the large firms, and even more difficult for smaller firms to demonstrate that they have a working knowledge of IFRS.
德勤会计师事务所的审计主管 Geoff Pinnock 认为,此项规定将成为大型会计师事务所的负担,对小型事务所而言,它们将更加难以证明它们拥有 IFRS 工作经验。
3. The second reform would abolish an onerous local business tax, known as the taxe professionnelle, which is levied on fixed investment.
4. Rich advocate appear entirely in a page it is a very onerous task, in detail enumerate is expression only we are right the esteem of life!
5. The design risk becomes more onerous when the main contractor has carried out the design and is responsible for any design defects under the contract conditions, because in this case and especially as he will be one of the policy insureds, no recourse against him will generally be possible.
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