英 [ənˈles] 美 [ʌnˈlɛs]
unless 基本解释
连词 除非,如果不
介词 除了,…除外
1. 除非;若不;除非在…的时候
You use unless to introduce the only circumstances in which an event you are mentioning will not take place or in which a statement you are making is not true.
e.g. Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high...
e.g. We cannot understand disease unless we understand the person who has the disease...
unless的单语例句1. " I know clearly that Netac will die unless we file the lawsuit against Sony, " Deng told China Business Weekly last week.
2. Chinese citizens cannot buy foreign currency unless they show visas or other documents indicating they need the money for overseas travel or education.
3. The policies stipulate that foreign investors cannot buy property unless they set up a branch in the country.
4. George Michael has been warned he will be sacked by his record label unless he curbs his wild behaviour.
5. Unless a country's financial system is being attacked by outside forces, there is no reason to launch a rescue mission as some investors are calling for.
6. The university said its police have no evidence it was on campus, and city police said they won't pursue criminal charges unless more information comes forward.
7. Active duty military may not be used for law enforcement unless the president authorizes it.
8. He reiterated the stand yesterday and said it's difficult to make money on the dollar unless the investor is actively trading the currency.
9. Unionization is insufficient unless it is accompanied by better activism on the part of trade unions to safeguard employee rights.
unless的`双语例句1. I won't apologize unless she apologizes first.
2. My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.
3. This baby seldom cries unless he is tired.
4. Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination.
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