
  1. The firemen fought for three hours before they managed to ________ the fire.

  A. make out B. break off C. put out D. cut off

  2. Please be sure to ______ your work at the end of examination.

  A. look for B. look after C. look over D. look into

  3. The film was so touching that I could hardly _______ my tears.

  A. hold on B. hold up C. hold back D. hold on to

  4. Generally _______, that city is less crowded than the others in the same state.

  A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling

  5. In the big flood, only 20 percent of the people in that village __________.

  A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived

  6. In children’s minds summer is _________with picnics.

  A. linked B. united C. joined D. associated

  7. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ______ when judging my examination.

  A. regard B. account C. count D. observation

  8. It is surprising that this good-natured person had ______ such a crime.

  A. performed B. made C. committed D. taken

  9. Please remind me ______ taking my medicine after supper, you know, I’m so forgetful.

  A. with B. of C. for D. in

  10. We are surprised to hear that Mr. Li has been ______ in that murder case

  A. withdrawn B. involved C. protested D. recovered

  11. Would you mind keeping a (n) _______ on our house for us while we are away?

  A. hand B. eye C. look D. view

  12. If the children eat an adequate breakfast, they will be able to ______on their lessons for a longer

  period of time.

  A. assign B. impose C. direct D. concentrate

  13. Like many people ______middle age, he was getting rather set in his ways.

  A. undertaking B. approaching C. extending D. bearing

  14. The new research is producing theories. Which ______long-held views about animals.

  A. disagree B. challenge C. compete D. mislead

  15. He had long ______that he had not been told the truth.

  A. bothered B. wondered C. suspected D. recognized

  16. As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were ______over the sky.

  A. multiplying B. gathering C. circulating D. growing

  17. We could just ________ the buildings through the fog.

  A. check out B. figure over C. look out D. make out

  18. If I were _______, I’d finish the job quickly.

  A. taken over B. left out C. looked after D. left alone

  19. Do out remember the conditions that ______ the French Revolution?

  A. broke out B. brought about C. turned out D. turned up

  20. You could always_______ him to settle an argument, no matter what was being discussed.

  A. believe B. call on C. count on D. find out

  21. Can you ______ his hostile attitude towards me?

  A. clear up B. call off C. count on D. find out

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