








  1. 这句话翻译没有错误,呵呵~只是提供一个相对更权威的中文翻译,帮助作者把握题意呵呵~政府应该保护那些疆域范围内的偏远地带,保持他们的原始状态,尽管这些地区一般来说非常偏僻,很少有人能够到达。

  I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.

  2. 要明白赐恩的神,并神的恩典,就是要过一个超越单调的生活。

  Of God is to live above the humdrum of life.

  3. 你可能会对此嗤之以鼻,可是我现在明白了这一点。

  You might sneer at this, but I know now.

  4. 我仍然不明白。。。。。。

  I still don't get it...

  5. 我不明白

  So I don't get it.

  6. 我想不明白

  I just don't get it.

  7. 当一天结束过后,我们才终于明白,我们选择怎样看待自己,其实就限制了自己。

  At the end of the day, it comes down to this: The way we chooose to see ourselves, it limits who we can be.

  8. 我不明白这种东西怎么会合法

  Moore: I didn't understand how any of this could be legal.

  9. 我不明白你们为什么不把标志直接印在木头滑板上?

  I don't understand why you didn't print the logo directly on the wood slide?

  10. 有人在我面前诡诈不实,骄傲好奇,愿意知道我的密秘,明白我的妙理,而轻忽自己的灵魂。

  Led on by a certain curiosity and arrogance, they wish to know My secrets and to understand the high things of God, to the neglect of themselves and their own salvation.

  11. 双方都明白,该争议背后是美国每年从国外进口的价值1,000亿美元的汽车整车、零部件和引擎。

  It has more to do with the $100 billion of automotive vehicles, parts and engines America buys from abroad.

  12. 我明白了你总是要伴着那些爱意绵绵的话来离开那个你爱的人。

  I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.


  英 [ˈɒbviəs] 美 [ˈɑ:bviəs]

  1. Ccording to the Gallup organization latest statistics in 2006, the public evaluation to pharmacists sets a new record, although ranking the second. It is obvious that pharmacists own very high image in the American society, be subjected to the public trust and respect deeply, even are superior to physicians.


  2. If we held the grass still, the big dragonfly saw the obvious trap and it wouldn`t dash to it regardless of its safety.


  3. Obvious cartilage and island-distributed immature bone formation in implants of the experiment side were observed at 2 weeks after operation, and massive mature bone observed at 4 weeks. Newly formed bone had fused and formed mature lamellar bone and trabecularism. No bone formation was observed in the control side of the mice.


  4. The highest level of expression was observed in the stem and leaf tissues and no obvious signal was detected in the root and coleoptile tissues.


  5. So, we think it is absolutely obvious that he is incapable of governing and the best thing to do is move aside.


  6. The intrinsic motivation and outer motivation of the majoring students are obviously stronger than those who are not, while the motivation weakenization of the students who are taking tennis as selective course are more obvious than the ones who are majoring in it.


  7. The deadline set password is also very important, disable some obvious interim accounts is also very clever approach.


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