英 [lait snəu] 美 [laɪt sno]
1. But at this moment, I am deeply in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.
2. It is interesting that, to understand the whiteness of snow (upon illumination by white light), absorption can be ignored, but to understand the blueness of light transmitted deep into snow, absorption must be taken into account.
3. Suzhou, a city that might see one light dusting of snow a year is covered in 2+ feet of the white stuff.
4. He says that Day gives us appearance And you just hide at night: Still fluttering Your wings extend into Night Flying and searching For Time that will return Through the cracks of horizon He says that Time has already returned Everything same as that of yesterday: Houses on empty streets Snow on roofs Silence on snow But you must lift the silence and throw it away Bringing everything Buried in the ruins of Time To the light of Day: Greed, robbery, slaughterer In that silently weeping city Who licks its incurable wound At night He says that we will open our eyes Walking through Time and its inventions: Look, silence thrown away, The flocks of pigeons Waving In the blue morning sky But now, you are walking at night Still searching Along the path of Time Yet, with a peaceful mind
5. The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.
6. Sunny color: coagulation muscle wins while the color of fresh snow had just cooked, such as peach trees, and tells the people covet, but a light color heterozygosity coupled with the body type, is this not a kind of sexy in the dissemination of the United States.
表示各种天气的英文单词:thunderstorm英 [ˈθʌndəstɔ:m] 美 [ˈθʌndərstɔ:rm]
名词 大雷雨; 雷电交加的暴风雨
1. 雷暴:squall(飑):指风速的突然、快速增大,通常伴随阵雨(shower)、雷暴(thunderstorm)和降雪等天气. wind(风):指空气或其它气体流动. Gust指强度和方向不断变化的风. 风的间歇叫lull. 一阵风叫blast. 刮风的`时间叫blustery. Squall也是一种风,
2. 雷雨:雾气(Fog)虫族大门Floodgate,第五关饥荒(Famine)方舟the Ark,第六关雷雨(Thunderstorm)星盟the Covenant,第七关野猪兽生日派对(Grunt Birthday Party)基地Crow's Nest,第二关游戏中段有一个看似大型通风管的区域(通风管的两侧不时有兵蜂探头),
3. 暴风雨:microburst 瞬间风暴:从云层底部突然涌出的风暴,会引起风剪 (wind shear) 而改变局部风速与风向,通常与暴风雨 (thunderstorm) 有关. 若干飞机失事坠毁就是由其所造成. 混合实境:一种由虚拟实境 (virtual reality) 和真实世界 (real world) 的元素结合而成的环境.
4. 雷暴雨:Ntelekos与其同事,以2004年7月发生在美国东海岸马里兰州的巴尔地摩市(Baltimore)的强劲雷暴雨(thunderstorm)为例子展开研究,并佐以数字模型来说明都市化对雷暴雨强度与演化的影响.
表示各种天气的英文单词:fog英 [fɒg] 美 [fɔ:g]
名词 雾; 烟雾; 迷惑; 割后再生的草
及物动词 以雾包围; 使模糊; 使迷惑
不及物动词 为雾笼罩; 朦胧; 照片(模糊)
1. Light has fogged this film.
2. Steam has fogged my glasses.
3. The steam has fogged the mirror.
4. I am completely fogged by the issue.
1. The fog was so thick that I could not see my way.
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