读音如音标所示:英 [nɜ:s] 美 [nɜ:rs]
1. This disease is very hard to nurse.
2. She spends all her time nursing her old father.
3. He nursed the house plants through a long winter.
1. The baby is nursing at its mother's breast.
1. She works as a nurse in a hospital.
护士的英文例句1. One of the largest involved a coronary care nurse who was convicted in 1984 for killing of 12 elderly patients in California.
2. Burnham's captivity ended after an army raid on the militants in June 2002 that killed her husband and a Filipino nurse.
3. Three nurses were laid off, the charge nurse was dismissed from her post and two hospital officials were reprimanded.
4. Flanagan's client was acquitted and the other nurse pleaded no contest to a lesser charge.
5. On the instructions of the Indian leaders, a medical team was sent to China to nurse the wounded Chinese soldiers.
6. She has persistently turned down offers by the community to hire a nurse to help her cook and clean.
7. It said only those who had received three years of professional training and passed an eight month clinical practice could apply for nurse practitioners'exams.
8. Police's experts attempted to negotiate with Dai, coaxing her to let go of the nurse.
9. A Beijing man who was in a coma for 13 years miraculously regained consciousness recently, thanks to his wife's undying efforts to nurse him.
护士的双语例句1. 将62例择期行无痛人工流产手术早孕妇女随机分为实验组(30例,接受研究者制订的系统化口头的心理护理,并发放书面心理护理资料,术后再接受研究者的心理护理)和对照组(32例,接受当班护士口头一般心理护理),并测定其术前焦虑、心率、收缩压以及术后身体恢复的有关各项指标。
Methods: 62 early pregnancy women who would be operated on selective painless abortion were divided into the experimental group (30 patients, acceptting systematic and oral psychological care, given written psychological care information and received psychological care postoperation) and the control group (32 patients, received oral and general psychological care from the nurse on duty), and then the preoperative anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure and the relevant indexes were determined after recovery.
2. 她向肿瘤医生的护士以及自己的主治医生报告服药后的副作用,但没有得到什么指导意见。
When she reported the side effects to her oncologist's nurse and her primary-care physician, she got no guidance.
3. 无人乘坐的回旋木马,面目狰狞的染血玩具兔,推着轮椅的无脸护士,女主角希瑟将如何面对这个疯狂的世界?
The continuation of the hit role-playing vampire!
4. 对于在手术室中目睹这一切的.外科医生、护士和其他人来说,这一时刻是那么的不可思议。
It is just one of the most unbelieable moments for the surgeon, the nurses and eeryone else in the operating room.
5. 登记护士指根据香港法例第164章《护士注册条例》的规定向香港护士管理局登记的人。
Enrolled Nurse denotes a person enrolled with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong under the Nurses Registration Ordinance Cap.
6. 每名申请人只可申请报读登记护士训练课程或登记护士训练课程。
Each applicant may only apply for admission to either the Enrolled Nurse training programme or the Enrolled Nurse training programme.
7. 张登记护士、注册护士或助产士的有效执业证明书,请注明各执业证明书的注册编号。
Enrolled nurse, registered nurse or midwife, please specify your registration number under each type of
8. 你可在多於一个方格内加上号。如持有多於一张登记护士、注册护士或助产士的有效执业证明书,请注明各执业证明书的注册编号。
If you are holding more than one valid practising certificate on enrolled nurse, registered nurse or midwife, please specify your registration number under each type of practising certificate.
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