绘画[huì huà]
绘画的网络解释1. paint:在动画中,效果是用来加强场景的视觉吸引力,利用传统的表面和阴影很难产生雨、火、烟和其他一些自然效果,而使用效果工具如光学(Opti-FX)、粒子(Particie)、绘画(Paint)效果就能把上述那些或者其他的元素添加到场景中去.
2. Drawing:并最终将她的动作与故事中这名看起来半裸的14岁机械女孩相结合. 影片中将大量使用电脑CG动画技术. 这么做的主要原因是,如果让一名14岁的女孩裸体拍摄这样一部影片,必定会掀起轩然大波. C:剧组人员(Crew)D:绘画(Drawing)
3. draw:故事就是讲:男孩和女孩被分在玻璃的.两端,无法接触,也无法沟通. 男孩扔给女孩一只笔,两人通过文字(write)和绘画(draw)来沟 通.
绘画的双语例句1. 家用物品及室内设计可损坏如下:泥淤脏得及贵重物品及墙壁油漆剥落地板缎裹解除板、地毯染色等纺织品、家具陈设腐烂污点书籍、傅文谅照片、绘画变得极为脆弱财产价值下跌后天雨。
Household possessions and interior design can be damaged as follows: Mud and silt get possessions and valuables dirty Paint and wall coverings peel off Floor tiles are lifted Panels wrap Carpets stain and rot Furnishings such as textiles and furniture stain Books, pho tographs, paintings become extremely fragile Property value decreases after being wet.
2. 她学点绘画作为业余爱好。
She dabbles in painting as a hobby.
3. 东晋南朝漆器的形制、装饰手法大致沿袭三国时的作风,蜀郡仍在制作精美的漆工艺品,民间的漆器生产更自由,并有发展与创新,如绿沉漆的出现,夹纻工艺被用于佛教造像,彩绘漆器的绘画题材日益丰富,画面更侧重审美效果,具有这一时期独特的时代特征。
The shape and decoration of the lacquer ware carried on as the Three Kingdoms period, nongovernmental production developed greatly, the color painting of the lacquer ware was improved and increased abundant, the appearance more lay emphasis to appreciate beauty the result, and have this at that time period special ages characteristic.
4. 因此,何艳的抄写式绘画,可以看作是对绘画抽象的自身力量和效果的探索和关注。
So, her transcribing paintings are the exploration and attention on the power and effect of abstract paintings.
5. 联系不同时代绘画领域的具体情况,分析中国人物画意象造型所产生的审美意趣及不同的审美体现。
Painting a concrete link different times. Analysis of Chinese Painting Images produced by the different aesthetic charm and aesthetic expression.
6. 3在印象派绘画作品中,光和色是基本的绘画语言要素。
In Impressionist paintings, the light and color is the basic elements of painting.
7. 学生1:我对,呃,艺术感兴趣,特别是绘画,印象派绘画。
Student 1: I'm interested in, um, art. Painting in particular, impressionist painting.
8. 前不久一位在西班牙学习绘画的同学,把这幅场景画了一幅油画送给我,标题就叫《依偎》。
Not a long ago, a student he was studying painting and drawing in Spain painted an oil on canvas about that sight and scene and the title of theme of that painting is hugging or embracing.
9. 将中国服饰风格与中国美术置于文化大背景下,通过悬垂与曹衣出水、飘逸与吴带当风两种服饰与美术最直接的联系,阐述服饰艺术与绘画艺术的某些一致性。而这种一致性正是文化的形象反映
Putting Chinese dress style and Chinese arts under big cultural background, this paper points out that the dress style is consistent with paiting art in certain extent through two kinds of direct relationship between dress and arts, such as draping and Cao clothing out of water, elegant and Wu belt used as wind, the consistent is culture reflection in image.
10. 创新并形成独有的绘画艺术风格。
Innovation and forming a unique artistic style of painting.
11. 故意杂乱无章,不加修饰的绘画与雕塑的融合。
Patrick Nagel's hard-edge style of 80's women became one of subjects.
12. 在以后的绘画,Bhu显示为瓦茹阿哈舒展的景观或整个地球的钟声。
In later paintings, Bhu appears as a stretch of landscape or the whole globe lifted up by Varaha.
13. 也就是说,以抒情言志为特征的写意是中国传统绘画的精华和具体表现,也是老庄、孔孟哲学思想的高度凝聚与体现。
It is hold that spiritual expression characterized by vivid images is the essence and concrete manifestation of Chinese traditional paintings.
14. 您可以通过远程控制模式,在绘画的宽度控制中心空气和独立喇叭空气,减少喷涂造成。
You can change pattern width by remote control during painting by controlling center air and horn air independently, resulting in reducing overspray.
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