go [come] home; be home; return home; come back home; get home
Is he home yet?
I saw him on his way home.
They did not return home till 9 o'clock.
I went home at the weekend
回家的网络释义come home
他分享了一个六个词的简单神学:下来(Come Down),出去(Come Out)和回家(Come Home)。我把Sweet博士的“简单神学”改为跟本指南中用到的四个基地有关联的8个词。
Going Home
[06.08][下载]Sue Hoadley印第安长笛和竖琴专辑《Openings 起程》 ... Chaco Spirits 流连之情 Going Home 回家 Moonrise 莫里斯 ...
氧②气ㄨ-Westlife最新专辑-Home Ba... ... Home 回家 Us Against The World 不顾一切 Something Right 好事 ...
get back
安徽无为榜首学校论坛 - ※休闲茶座※ - [下载... ... get away 逃; 离 get back 返回; 回来; 回家 get close (to) 接近 ...
回家的双语例句1. 嗨,妈妈,我回家了。
Hi, Mom. I`m home.
2. 每次,晚饭的时候,母亲都是焦急地四处寻找着我,找到后,带我回家的路上,就免不了对我一顿责备,怪我弄脏了脸和衣服。
When it was time for dinner, she would look for me everywhere worriedly, and then scolded me for my dirty face and clothes on the way home.
3. 我有时间和资源,开始了回家的生意?
Do I have the time and resources to start a home based business?
4. 回家的路上,有一个人悄悄跟着他到了家里,看见了秀秀,原来这人是郡王府里的郭排军。
On his way back, somebody followed him stealthily and saw Xiuxiu. This was none other than Sergeant Guo who worked for the governor.
5. 他总是直接回家。
He always makes a beeline for home.
6. 在千叶街头的传统灯笼为行人照亮了回家的路,千叶是东京湾的五个主要城市之一。
Traditional lanterns illuminate a walk home in Chiba, one of the five main cities that surround Tokyo Bay.
7. 这是唯一的方法,回家去了。
And that was the only way to go home.
8. 越过酒店的饭桌他会丢给我某个眼色,接着我就会结账、回家。
Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home.
9. 如果你过分自责,我的爱会带你回家。
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
10. 下班回家后,他发现他的家被偷盗了。
In the united states, one home is burglarized every 10 seconds
11. 布什说:我知道许多人都非常想回家。
I know a lot of people are anxious to get back in.
12. 莎莉:我得承认我拿了些回形针回家。
Sally: I have to admit that I have taken some paperclips home.
13. 然后我们回家了,整理好行李和生活用品,下午3点多,我想着没事干,还没有网线,无聊死了,感觉很困,可能是时差问题,又睡过去了。。。。
Then we went home, sorting baggage and articles for daily use, more than 3 p. m., I think, also not line, idle bored, I feel sleepy, may be lag issues, and fell asleep.
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