up to the hammer:第一流,极好。
A-OK:<美> 极好,妙极,完美的。
极好的中中释义极好 [jí hǎo]
(1) [fabulous;fine;good;posh(俚);wonderful]∶显著或非凡的
(2) [golden]∶极为有利的
极好的双语例句1. 良好的单宁与浓郁的果味极好的.平衡了此酒的结构,收结悠长。
The good length and structure of the wine is balanced with the fine tannins and fruit characters.
2. 此外由于填料中同时存在酯键和羟基使得填料具有一定基团选择性。本填料的制备工艺对环境友好且具有极好的经济价值。
In the meantime, due to the existence of ester-bond and hydroxy group, the packing has some group selectivities, and also the procedure for preparation of packing is friendly to environment and has good prospect of application in market.
3. 与环氧类底漆/中层漆有极好的配套性能。
Excellent compatibility with epoxy primer and intermediate coat.
4. Undercroft 这是一款采用出众的图形和游戏关设计集合了大量新的功能包把经典的 RPG 类型游戏元素综合到一起的勇士和魔法师幻想世界的极好冒险游戏。
Software Description: About Undercroft, A great epic adventure in fantasy world of warriors and wizards, that brings together classic atmosphere of constituent games of the RPG genre with plenty of new features packed together in superior graphics and level design.
5. 这是一个极好的工具来创造,发挥,解决数独谜题您的计算机上。
This is an excellent tool to generate, play with, and solve Sudoku puzzles on your computer.
6. 你可以利用这次极好的机会在艺术领域获得财务上的收获。
You can use this superb help from Neptune and Jupiter for financial gain if you deal in artistic expressions.
7. 这是减轻工作焦虑、建立同事关情的极好方法。
This is such a good way to reduce work anxiety and mingle/bond with associates.
8. 杏仁是一种极好的旅行食品,因为它们重量轻,不会碎,不会弄脏衣服,开袋即食,而且能填饱肚子、有营养。
Almonds made a great travel snack, because they`re light, don`t crumble, don`t stain, don`t need preparation, and are filling and nutritious.
9. 黑胡椒酒吧,地方,但也是一个极好的餐厅,拥有,此外,当地特产,一个良好的比萨饼。
Pepe Nero è bar, locale ma anche un ottimo ristorante che vanta, oltre a specialità locali, anche un`ottima pizza.
10. 这是极好的英语作为第二语言。
It is excellent for teaching English as a Second Language.
11. 有几种带蛋壳其实是极好的隔音材料,尤其是没有泡沫的那一面。
I perfer to use software of white noise generator. it's not free, but it's worth the money.
1.《极好的用英语怎么说 极好的英文翻译是什么及例句》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。
2.《极好的用英语怎么说 极好的英文翻译是什么及例句》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。