

The term "white privilege" is one that is guaranteed to raise hackles and set teeth on edge in any conversation at the outer fringes of dinner parties or in the trenches of the modern social justice movement across the globe.
In a nutshell white privilege, a term coined around 2013, is the idea that being born either Caucasian or into the socially dominant strata of Europe or North America grants that person unearned privileges based on their skin or historical ascendancy.
So does white privilege exist in Shanghai? And does it affect the day-to-day lives of foreign residents and locals in subtle or negative ways? Resoundingly: yes. It may have less to do with race, but it is a destructive force in this city that isn't acknowledged.
In my early days here, I would never have called it white privilege, instead choosing to refer to it in the seemingly more benign and less polarizing "foreigner privilege."
At its heart is the idea that the normal rules of social behavior don't apply to we foreigners.Suddenly released from the strictures and rules of life back home, many foreigners undertake a conversion to hedonism not found in the West's comfortable suburban existence.
What begins as "hey, I can walk down the street with an open can of lager and nobody will bother me," eventually ends in a physical confrontation or screaming match with the natives. Or worse, business behavior thatwouldn't pass muster in any civilized countryresults in broken promises, financial loss and lengthy prosecutions.
It's possible that the case of a Canadian con artist who swindled many apartment renters out of their deposits in a string of serial home rental scams years back may not have had anything to do with white privilege, but wiser instincts inform me that it probably did.
I must guiltily admit to taking advantage of this permissiveness during my early days in Shanghai when I explored the city's old laneways in my initial rush of curiosity. In many instances the neighborhood residents committee standing watch at the front gates halfheartedly tried to shoo me away.
With an ignorance that was not entirely feigned, I sometimes played dumb while "accidentally" wandering into residents' always-open doors.Without exception, any locals I bumped into were delighted to chat with me over a plate of melon seeds, but it never would have gotten that far had I adhered to Western rules about private property.
But while I considered my intentions to be entirely innocent, it still perpetuated the stereotype of foreign visitors who think themselves to be above the rules. For every good intention, there is something toxic and degrading about living in a state of constant privilege that is unacknowledged by both the guest and the host.
I realize the futility of tilting against windmills on this specific issue in this particular city. Being hospitable is encoded in Shanghai's DNA. It is a metropolis that has always looked outward and welcomed newcomers into its heart with few if any restrictions or expectations that guests need abide by.
The default setting of the typical Shanghai resident is politeness, tolerance and Confucian morals that run deep in the population, guiding the treatment of foreign and domestic visitors. As guests and sojourners, however, we need to be mindful of how such attitudes can lead to a skewed power imbalance while causing resentment in others who may not be able to share in the resultant rewards of our "privilege."
原文:John Harold Armstrong
图:Lu Ting、网络
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