JK 罗琳首任编剧的3D魔幻巨制《神奇动物在哪里》上映后不仅票房走高且口碑飘红,主演“小雀斑”草食系暖男的形象俘获了一众芳心,而以嗅嗅、护树罗锅为首的神奇魔法动物也成为新晋网红。《神奇动物在哪里》原本是霍格沃茨学院新生教材,没有具体故事内容。经过罗琳的妙笔生花,以及《哈利 波特》幕后班底加持,天马行空的想法得以展现。影片呈现了性格迥异的各色神奇物种,以及早于《哈利 波特》系列70年的复古华丽魔法奇观。想知道该片的幕后故事吗?一起来看下吧。

  Magic, it turns out, is a highly addictive thing - and when it comes to the intricate fictional world of JK Rowling, fans can rarely get enough.

  事实上,魔法这东西很容易上瘾,而提起JK 罗琳笔下错综复杂的魔幻世界更是让人欲罢不能。

  To celebrate the release of Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, a number of books on the making of the film have consequently been published, including Ian Nathan's behind-the-scenes guide Inside the Magic, and The Case of Beasts, which explores the wizarding world shown in the film.

  为庆祝电影《神奇动物在哪里》上映,一系列描写该片制作过程的书籍已经上架,其中包括伊恩 纳森的电影幕后指南《魔法探秘》,以及揭开片中呈现的魔法世界的《神奇动物居住的手提箱》。

  We had a look through, to see what we could glean about Fantastic Beats, its cast, and Rowling's script.


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