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After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became president in April 1912. In view of the complexity of the coinage and paper money at that time, there were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currencies in circulation, with different specifications, disorderly circulation, complicated conversion, and people's resentment. At the same time, they also wanted to solve the military expenditure problem by means of currency reform, so they decided to issue national currency. In order to improve his ruling position, Yuan Shikai cast his head on the coin face, and "yuan Dadou" came from it. "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver coin among nearly 1000 kinds of modern silver coins in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system.

During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the silver coins were cast in different provinces, but they were the same as the original ones. The weight and quality were not unified, and the quantity was difficult to control. With the outbreak of the revolution of 1911, the provinces were eager to use money, not only processing and casting silver coins, but also indiscriminately casting copper coins and issuing banknotes and military tickets, making the currency system more chaotic.

After the founding of the Republic of China, the financial crisis was very serious. In the short term, the issue of paper money is also a magic way to make money. However, paper money is the representative of the silver dollar, and it is also a voucher. Without sufficient preparation and wide circulation of silver dollar, the credit of paper money is difficult to establish. At this moment, the reform of the currency system is urgent. It is based on this that the "yuan Datou" silver dollar was born and the inevitable result of the development of the silver dollar. After many years of casting and its high reputation, the number of yuan Datou has increased and its circulation has become wider and wider. Although it is located in a remote place, there are traces of it. The currency of "yuan Datou" promoted the unification of silver and yuan, and also prepared the conditions for "Abolishing the two to change the yuan".

Yuan Datou signed the version in the third year of the Republic of China. The most remarkable feature of this coin is that on the right side of Yuan Shikai's head, there are English words "l.giorgi" or "L.G" in short, which is the abbreviation of Carver "ruerzhi George", commonly known as the signature big head. At the end of the third year of the Republic of China, the price of the signature version was the highest. The coin is precision cast with wavy hair and thick curly lines. The shoulder star is raised and the ten lines of the epaulet are clearly engraved. The front placket and ribbon are three-dimensional and clear. The back is full of Jiahe, which is characterized by the word "each" close to closing.










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2020年袁大头民国三年黄铜笔相关介绍,“袁大头”是对袁世凯奖系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨地说:“袁世凯好像在背加币银币。” 民国三年版袁大头五元正面为袁世凯侧面像,上列“中华民国三年”。“年”字后没有“造”字,其他年版都在“年”字后面有一“造...



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