The Sina Weibo micro-blogging platform closed the actor's personal and studio accounts on Sunday.8月15日,新浪微博关闭了张哲瀚的个人及工作室账号。
"As a public figure who has a large number of fans and draws a great deal of attention online, it is the most basic professional quality to have a correct view of history and values," it said in a notice.作为网上拥有大量粉丝和关注的公众人物,树立正确的历史观和价值观是最基本的职业素养。
中国演出行业协会(the China Association of Performing Arts)发布公告,要求会员单位对演员张哲瀚进行从业抵制(call for a boycott of Zhang Zhehan)。
Yasukuni is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarism and also the place where Japanese right-wing forces "deny history and beautify the war of aggression".
"For artists engaged in cultural work, a correct view of history is a basic professional quality, and ignorance is not an excuse," it said.
"Zhang's behavior was seriously inappropriate, and it not only hurt the nation's feelings, but also served as a bad influence on young fans," the association said. The association said members were required to boycott Zhang according to relevant regulations. It called on performers to study more, improve their understanding and never waver on national dignity.
"History must not be forgotten, and the bottom line must not be loosened. Whoever crosses the line will be punished," it said.
此前,张哲瀚被曝于2019年曾前往日本乃木神社(the Nogi Shrine)参加朋友婚礼,早前还发布过在靖国神社(the Yasukuni Shrine)的合影照片,引发网友质疑和愤怒。
More than 25 companies have announced the termination of partnerships with Zhang, including food brand Hsu Fu Chi, drink brand Wahaha, beverage maker Coca-Cola, Danish jewelry brand Pandora and the Chinese branch of Japanese food manufacturer Ezaki Glico.超过25家公司宣布已结束与张哲瀚的合作关系,其中包括徐福记、娃哈哈、可口可乐、丹麦珠宝品牌潘多拉以及日本食品制造商江崎格力高中国分公司等。
8月15日,日本首相菅义伟向靖国神社供奉了香火钱(send a monetary offering)。前首相安倍晋三、几个内阁成员和一些国会议员当天或几天前分别参拜了靖国神社。
Today marks the 76th anniversary of Japan's defeat and unconditional surrender. Seventy-six years ago, the Chinese people, together with the people of the rest of the world, defeated the Japanese militarist aggressors and fascism and won the great victory of justice over evil, light over darkness and progress over reaction. This historic moment deserves to be remembered forever by the international community.
The Yasukuni Shrine, where 14 World War II Class-A war criminals with heinous crimes are honored, is a spiritual tool and symbol of the Japanese militarism’s war of aggression. What some Japanese political figures have done on the issue of the Yasukuni Shrine affronts historical justice and seriously hurts the feelings of people in the victimized Asian countries, including China. It again reflects Japan’s wrong attitude towards its own history of aggression.
The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side through diplomatic channels in both Beijing and Tokyo to register strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition. We urge the Japanese side to earnestly honor its statement and commitment of facing up to and reflecting on its history of aggression, tread carefully on historical issues such as the Yasukuni Shrine, make a clean break with militarism, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions.中方已通过外交渠道在北京和东京向日方严正交涉,表达强烈不满和坚决反对。中方敦促日方切实信守正视反省侵略历史的表态和承诺,在靖国神社等历史问题上谨言慎行,彻底同军国主义切割,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。
抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressions (1931-45)
南京大屠杀 the Nanjing Massacre
南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日 the National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims
甲级战犯 Class-A war criminal
反人类的暴行 atrocities against humanity
违反人道罪 crime against humanity
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)