Suppose: x = sales quantityf(x) = 50 - (Unit price - 1000)/100 *5** When improve price every 100, the selling quantity will be decreased by 5.
Suppose the fixed cost is subject to the selling quantity:Selling quantity < 25, fixed cost is 10,000;Selling quantity >= 25, fixed cost is 20,000.** it makes sense in reality that you have to invest more fixed asset when the selling quantity is increased to a certain amount.
假设: x = 销售数量F(x) = 50 - (单位价格 - 1000)/100 *5每增加100,销售量将减少5个。
假设固定成本视售出量而定:销售数量<25,固定成本为10,000;销售数量>25,固定成本为20,000。在现实中,当销售数量增加到一定的数量时,你必须增加固定资产的投资,这是很有意义的。 Click the GIF to see bigger picture!点击GIF查看大图!

Key points:(1) What-if Analysis;(2) the right cell in to the table: target cell, column cell, row cell.
要点:(1) 假设分析;(2) 将正确的单元格输入到表中:目标单元格、列单元格、行单元格。 Copyright@ 2017 by G. TAN, all right reserved.2017版权所有,保留所有权利。
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