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Russian servicemen march during the Victory Day Parade in Red Square in Moscow, Russia June 24, 2020. /Reuters

Russia on Wednesday staged its Victory Day military parade in Moscow's Red Square to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the former Soviet Union's victory in World War II. China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), together with troops from 12 other countries, joined the parade at the invitation of the Russian side.

Scheduled on May 9, this year's parade was delayed and rescheduled to June 24 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new parade date, according to officials, was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the first post-war parade on Red Square, which saw Soviet troops throw down Nazi standards in front of the Lenin mausoleum on June 24, 1945.

13,000 troops from 13 countries, as well as vintage equipment and the latest military hardware, take part in the parade to show Russia's fighting capabilities.

The parade features more than 200 units of military equipment as well as 75 planes and helicopters. Over 20 pieces of new equipment, including Tosochka flame-throwers, T-90M tanks and Buk-M3 surface-to-air missile systems, are shown for the first time.

Screenshot of CCTV Livestream



Russian President Vladimir Putin declared a minute of silence for those who lost lives in WWII before his speech in Red Square during the V-Day parade on Wednesday.

In his speech, Putin honored the victory, stressing that the country will protect and defend the fair truth of the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War, an integral part of the World War II lasting from 1939 to 1945.

The Russian president also noted global security, pledging that Russia is open for dialogue and cooperation on the most burning issues, including the creation of a common reliable system of security, which the complex and rapidly changing world needs.

While Russia has announced that the peak of the epidemic has passed and since eased the lockdown, the situation is still severe.

The country confirmed 7,425 new coronavirus infections Tuesday, bringing the official number of cases to 599,075. The death toll stands at 8,359.








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