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沉默的美(Wabi-sabi inspirations),沐浴在时间的光泽中的简洁安静的朴素美,极简主义和异曲同工之妙,但更深。赤敌美学描写的温润静美是兼具干净纯粹生命力的大美,简洁高贵。山谷设计以建筑空间和艺术形体为骨架,剥离大众的宠爱,保持对“球”的最大敬意,巧妙地利用空间角落和光线流动,打造现代寂寞的美作,还原“古式超美”的本心。元祥古式,回到普津。

architecture gives out voices even it does not utter . space shows calmness even it does not vocalize。

Wabi-sabi inspirations,akind of rustic beauty with simplicity and tranquility bathed in the luster of time,are similar to minimalist SGD abandons the sensation Maintains the greatest respect for " emptiness " and skill fully utilizes the space corner and lighting flow to crrow

瞥了一眼空间,a glance to the space叶松


Emptiness is infinity

——比利时著名建筑师Axel Vervoordt说:“不能用本质削减,剥离其运气,保持干净纯洁,但不能剥夺生命力。”

“cut down the essence but do not strip its rhyme . keep clean and pure but do not deprive the vitality。”axel vervoordt、famous bell


adhering to The Zen attitudes towards time and space,SGD chooses The blank and non-contention in The displaying space . The smooth geoms The



Overall space concept


the change and movement of space form the passageways

and public spaces naturally. So, plantation is added to make the whole space like in the nature, achieving the effect of built-in scenery.

▼空间中插入植物,plants are added to the public area ©叶松


Beauty has willpower and aspiration in the mind without saying anything in tolerance. If this idea is transplanted into architecture, it is to wash away all the splendors of the architecture and create a whole new world within it; or it is to remove the shortcomings but save the goodness of the architecture in its own way. The square windows let the round beams of light in to convey the traditional philosophy of “the heaven is round and the earth is square”. The architect intentionally put this idea into the space to make it more beautiful and profound, and to highlight the brand spirit of Ancient Food Initial Taste.

▼以方为窗,画圆为光,the square windows let the round beams of light in ©叶松


The occasional green makes the space more vigorous. Emptiness is infinity. Simplify the space by weeding out the superfluous to give the space its original look. This architectural concept of “This is just fine” is to highlight the dialogues and communications between human and nature, human and human, human and self, reduce the sense of existence of space decorations, make the people indulge themselves in this beauty and to make them think about it in a relaxing mood so as to return to the truth and explore the true self. SGD wishes to convey the space language of containing everything from nothing and holding infinity in emptiness.

▼间或可窥的绿意,the occasional green ©叶松

Light is the rhythm of space


Light flows freely, changes between bright and shade, and dances beautifully. This also shows the rhythm of space. Surrounded by geometric walls, if you only see a large area of solo color, it will make you a little nervous. But if the sparkling light and shadow are dancing in front of you, especially with the steam rising up from the hot food and the green and warm curtain at your sight, you will definitely feel comfortable and peaceful in your heart. Listen carefully and you may hear the sound of rustling. Don’t be surprised because that is the melody of light.

▼粼粼光影,sparkling light ©叶松


When you move to the corridor, you will see the warm wooden steps and the unadorned marble complement each other. Light goes through the lattice occasionally and shadows on the wall. Air seems to flow fresh and natural. All of these add a courtyard feeling to the restaurant scene, with warmness, brightness and unlimited imagination.

▼廊间台阶,wooden steps in the corridor ©叶松

Indulging in environment gives thought



Corbusier once said: “Architecture is a kind of artistic behavior, an emotional phenomenon. It is excluded from the construction problem but beyond the construction.”

The original intention of Ancient Food Initial Taste is to hope modern people can regain the awe to the food, to guide people to return to their original nature with the interest of ancient food, to explore the original taste of food and the ritual of food so that people can think about the relationship between human and food, human and nature. The design of SGD fully interprets this theme, and it creates a warm and beautiful place to eat. The gentle colors show the warmth of food. The geometric walls bearing the traditional philosophy of “the heaven is round and the earth is square” builds an extravagant environment. The bonsai landscape and the ideas of points, lines and surfaces make the ritual sense everywhere. And in the fast-paced business life, isn’t it the meaning of space to let the diners immerse in it and dialogue with food and themselves?

▼“庭”,the yard ©叶松

▼设计示意,diagram ©设谷设计事务所

项目设计 & 完成年份:2019年12月
室内主创设计:谢银秋 龚海明
室内参与设计:黄丽君 徐岩岩 倪亚楠 季瑜斐 李海冉
项目地址:中国浙江 东阳市

Project name:Ancient Food Initial Taste Restaurant
Design:SGD Office
Contact e-mail:1648731208@qq.com
Design year & Completion Year:December 2019
Leader designer & Team Designers in charge:Xie Yinqiu, Gong Haiming
Indoor design participants: Huang Lijun, Xu Yanyan, No Yanan, Ji Yufei, Li Hairan
Project location: Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, China
Gross Built Area (square meters) :488㎡
Photo credits:Ye Song
Clients :Mr. Jin
Brands / Products used in the project:Hangzhou Yuehan Lighting Engineering Co.









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