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How can I control my anger?




Shikhar Agarwal

there once lived a boy who had a bad temper . he would get angry at every little thing . one day,his father gave him a bag of nails and told him。Every time you get angry,hammer a nail into that front wall。'

and so the activity started . on the first day,the boy hammered 50 nails . the next day,He hammered 40 . each time He used to go therrs He repented斯隆,he discovered that controlling anger was easier than hammering,and the number of nails hammered started going down .

Eventually,a day came when he didn't get angry,and he felt the joy of it . now his father gave him another task,If you do not get angry the.after several days,all the nails were removed .

now his father took him near the wall and asked him what did he see . the boy replied that he can see holes in the wall . the father then explained to S son 33660

So I suggest you two things:

realize that words once spoken cannot come back . your anger hurts others and leaves a sour impression that lasts forever。

Each time you get angry,' hammer a nail '。simplest thing You can do is to carry a pocket diary and put a line each time You get angry . thees Count the number of lines for that day . if You make this a hat

I hope the day comes soon when you don ' t have any line in your diary。



Bhawna Dahiya Studied at Chand Ram Public School , Delhi1y

Bhawna Dahiya就读于德里昌德拉姆公立学校
This is the worst thing we’ve been taught.
Stop controlling your anger. Just stop!
What we need to control is the things we do when we’re angry, not the anger itself.
This person just shouted at you for no reason and you got angry. Isn’t this pure biology?
Anger helps you set boundaries. It’s always a secondary emotion and comes in play when you’re not able to deal with things easily. It’s there to help you.
That person is still shouting at you. You don’t control your anger anymore.
You simply ask that person to shut up!
But also you don’t spill hot coffee over that person right? You control your reaction not your emotion. Getting the drift?
Anger is an emotion. And emotions, my friend, are meant to be expressed not compressed.
Compressed emotions are dangerous, toxic, unhealthy and every other negative adjective you like.
If you get angry, uate that thing for a second, and then control the things you do thereafter instead of controlling what you’re feeling.
If you accidently touch a hot pan, you don’t smile at it and tell it that it’s hot rather you just flinch away. Emotions exist for a reason.
Let’s practice this-
If you didn’t like my answer and are angry because I wasted your precious time, you have two options with you. Either just accept that you’re angry and control your reaction or jump into my comments section and tell me how crappy the answer is.
I wouldn’t mind either though.

Mental Facts ·
Anger is something that is very dangerous, therefore you need to control your anger. people who can’t control their anger are the most people who get themselves into bigger problems,
And this is the reason why if you go to our prisons, most of the people there in the prisons has regretted of being beast at that small possible time.
Self control is the key to dismiss anger. Those who can’t control themselves are easily to get problem and later cry out loudly for their punishment.
Any body can offend you, but you need to control yourself, or you should have a nice way to deal with them.
Africans have this nice proverb that says; the one you eat with is the one who takes your meat that means you can’t eat alone and still complain that someone has taking your meat.

Abinash Mishra
Since I have Anger issue, I have read a lot and watched many videos on this. Hardly any helped me.
Later I realized from my own experience on this few practical things that help me:
Often Anger is built up in conversations especially when you have difference with others on a topic. You give logic, then he or she gives counter logic. Then both try to hold to each other's ego. It slowly builds up and gets bursted. When it is getting built up, leave the conversation or diffuse it. For example at times in conversation with my sisters or parents I know things are getting built up. So I immediately cut the call saying a call from my boss is coming or an urgent work is there. It just breaks the build up
Try to understand the other side : Often we make many assumptions in our head for others. Always it's good to talk directly to the other person and know his or her side. On most of the occasions we can realize that the assumptions we made in our head about others is wrong. On most of the occasions.
When conversations are not going right way and anger is building up, put a question to other instead of saying a plain statement. Its a magic trick for me. For example, if Maa says you should not go there. Do not say I will go at any cost. Often it creates ego dispute. Rather put a question “ mom, why do you think I should not go there. Do you perceive any harm”. Just put a logical question. The other side too takes time to rethink and it often diffuses the situation.
Your experiences are your biggest teacher.











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