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Wine legend : chte au p trus、pomerol、bordeaux 1945

Bottles produced 16,500

Composition 100% Merlot

Yield 30 hl/ha

alcohol n/a


价格今日8,250at bordeaux index




产量:30 hl/ha




A legend because .……。

this was one of The great vintages of The 20th century,surpassing,in the view of many experts,The equally celebrate d 1961 . there is an an



1945年有其苦衷,战争刚结束,很多葡萄园的园丁战争期间被征召甚至命丧战场。 在敌对行动停止后不久也不可能购买新的桶和其他设备。 尽管如此,战后第一年的葡萄收获酿就了一流的葡萄酒,包括右岸的帕图斯酒庄。

Looking back

From the mid-1920s, Mme Edmond Loubat had been buying up parcels of Pétrus, an estate in existence since the 1830s, and by 1945 she was the sole owner. She knew perfectly well the quality of the terroir and of the wines, and demanded high prices.

The Moueix family of Libourne has long been associated with the property, though it was only in 1943 that Jean-Pierre Moueix was appointed a non-exclusive distributor for its wines. By 1947 he was the sole purchaser, a position his son Jean-Francois has inherited.

Although regarded as the finest wine of Pomerol, prices for Pétrus in 1945 were less than half those demanded for the first growths of the Médoc. But by the mid-1950s they were neck and neck, an acknowledgement of the estate’s reputation and consistency.


从二十世纪二十年代中期开始,梅德蒙·勒巴特(Mme Edmond Loubat)一直在收购帕图斯葡萄园,这个自1830年就存在的酒庄,到1945年,她成了唯一的业主。 她非常了解风土和葡萄酒的质量,并为之制定了高昂价格。

Libourne的Moueix家族长期以来一直与该物业有关,尽管仅在1943年,Jean-Pierre Moueix被任命为其葡萄酒的非独家经销商。 到1947年,他是唯一的买家,他的儿子让 - 弗朗索瓦先生继承家业。

虽然被认为是波美侯最好的葡萄酒,但是1945年的帕图斯的价格却不及梅多克的一半。 但到20世纪50年代中期,他们已经并驾齐驱,其声誉的一致性得到确认。

The vintage

A severe frost on 2 May did extensive damage and reduced the crop to very low levels. However, the summer that followed was superb, with hot, dry weather that allowed the harvest to take place early and in ideal conditions. The grapes were exceptionally ripe, and some batches apparently reached an alcohol level of 15%, but would have been blended with less overwhelming lots. However, overall quantities were considerably reduced, and this was the smallest vintage since 1915. While the vintage was widely hailed as great in the Médoc, it was also of the highest quality in distant Pomerol.



The terroir

Pomerol has varied terroir of fluctuating quality, but all agree that the finest soils lie on the plateau that roughly surrounds the church. Château Pétrus certainly lies within this magic circle, but its soil is atypical: it is composed of a ‘€˜buttonhole’ of rich, blueish clay that lies over a gravel subsoil which, in turn, rests on iron-rich clinker. This soil, being mostly clay, retains moisture, which helps to minimise stress in hot, dry years, but the gentle slope of the plateau also ensures the vines are well drained. Just a single hectare out of its 12 hectares of vines (there were only 6.5ha in 1945) is planted on gravelly soil. The dense clay soils give wines of power rather than finesse, though in great years Pétrus manages to combine the two.


波美侯有多样化的脉动质量风土,但是所有人都认为围绕教堂高原的土壤是最好的。帕图斯当然处于这个神奇的魔圈,但它的土质是最典型的:它是由一个富含的蓝色粘土的“纽扣孔”组成,位于砾石底土上,而后者则依赖于富含铁的熟料。 这种大多是粘土的土壤能保持水分,这有助于在炎热,干燥的年份化解干旱压力。而高原的平缓坡度也确保了葡萄园排水良好。 在其12公顷的葡萄园(1945年只有6.5公顷),只有一公顷种植在砾石的土壤上。 密集的粘土土壤赋予葡萄酒相比丝滑更多强劲,虽然在伟大的年份里帕图斯会将两者结合起来。

The wine

For many years Pétrus has been fermented in concrete vats, but these were installed long after this vintage. The 1945 was destemmed -€“ which is not always the case here -€“ and then fermented in large wooden vats. Ageing of the 1945 vintage took place for 22 months in older barrels – no new oak being available at the time.


The reaction

Michael Broadbent found the wine disappointing in the 1970s but then changed his mind in the 1980s: ‘Hugely impressive, with a lively depth of colour, a bouquet that opens up gloriously… and, for a big wine, elegant.’ Also in the 1980s, David Peppercorn found the wine ‘still deep in colour, rich and powerful but with some volatility, and less complex than the marvellous 1947’€™. At a Paris tasting of 23 vintages in 1987, the 1945 came in 17th, although Edmund Penning-Rowsell rated it more highly.

In 2002, a group of Barclays bankers made the headlines for spending £44,000 on wine at London’s Pétrus restaurant, including £11,600 on a bottle of the 1945 vintage; it is not known how they rated it.


迈克尔·布罗派特(Michael Broadbent)在20世纪70年代感觉这款葡萄酒令人失望,但后来在20世纪80年代改变看法:“令人印象深刻,活泼的深色,开瓶酒香四溢,酒体饱满,优雅”。也是在20世纪80年, 大卫佩珀科恩(David Peppercorn)发现葡萄酒的颜色仍然很深,浓郁强劲,但有一点挥发,比神奇的1947年份酒少了些丰富性。 在1987年巴黎品尝23个葡萄酒时,1945年排位17名,尽管Edmund Penning-Rowsell给予了更高评价。

2002年,一批巴克莱银行家在伦敦的帕图斯餐厅破费44,000英镑喝葡萄酒成了当时头条新闻,其中包括一瓶11600英镑的1945年份的葡萄酒。 不知道他们如何评价它。






【红酒规格都一样么】葡萄酒为什么有 3、6、30 升等大瓶装?


猴魁怎么区分等级相关介绍,差不多11年前,安徽黄山特产名茶太平猴魁,100克拍出了20万元的天价。这样算起来,一斤太平猴魁,要100万元,真真是一片茶一万元。 当然,很多人说拍卖会的价格能当真吗?做不得数的。市面上百来块一斤的

【红酒规格都一样么】葡萄酒为什么有 3、6、30 升等大瓶装?

红酒规格都一样么相关介绍,不久前,《醇鉴》 (Decanter)董事John Stimpfig发表了一篇文章。 作者在波尔多(Bordeaux)名庄康色阳酒庄(Chateau La Conseillante)的盲品中比较了几种


红心皇后红酒2009相关介绍,葡萄酒市场上常常有一些上万甚至上百万的葡萄酒曝出来,惊掉观众下巴。这样的酒自身的酒质自然是没得说,但仅凭酒质是完全无法造就那样的天价的。今天我们就来研究一下,天价是怎么打造出来的? 一、葡萄酒实际成本

泉州毛尖怎么样 五峰芽毛尖怎么样



红心皇后红酒评价相关介绍,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》这两部迪士尼系列电影虽然“工艺调查”,但仍然无法阻止对他们的恶评。即使挂着蒂姆伯顿的主教练名字,IMDB的分数也只有6.5和6.4。 更不用说第二部《镜中奇遇》只


BIN8红酒度数看哪里相关介绍,国内知名度最高的澳大利亚酒业巨头——本富珠珠、本富山下酒钱数不胜数,各种空和数字的组合,以及没有“空”字的酒价,很难理解。 有时出其不意的一句“我更喜欢407呢”, 或者“389性价比如何”甩在脸上,