
  A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one's hand flatacross one's face or lowering one's face into one's hand or hands.The facepalm is a gesture which is common in many cultures, andeven sometimes seen in chimpanzees!


  Although a facepalm is usually used to express frustration orembarrassment, in the context of a surrounding conversation it canalso be used to express other emotions, such as disgust or dismay.A facepalm is often a reaction to a momentary lapse in commonsense, judgement, or logical behaviour. It can be directed towardsanother person – i.e.: a non-verbal way of saying "I can't believeyou just said/did that …" – or used in a self-deprecating way tomake it clear to others that you're aware that you've said or donesomething stupid。


  Facepalm first appeared about five years ago, and has steadilygained ground as a popular term in Internet culture。



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