­  美本申请中,能和高考作文相媲美的,想必也就是文书写作了~大部分中国学生经过一段时间培训后,在SAT和TOEFL这种标准化的考试中凭借英语基础以及各种解题技巧能取得一个不错的成绩,但是碰到没有标准答案的开放式的文书写作题目会发现自己无从下笔,再加上有些学校的文书题目极为怪异,有时连题目的主旨可能都难以解析。

­  FROM 棒呆BonDay日志

­  奇葩指数: ★



­  以理工科和怪异的校园建筑著称于世的MIT,



­  跟着我大声说:This is where I come from!



­  Describe the world you come from; for example, yourfamily,clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shapedyourdreams and aspirations? lTell usabout the most significant challenge you"ve faced orsomething important thatdidn"t go according to plan. How did youmanage the situation?

­  奇葩指数:★☆



­  斯坦福大学的文书题目里,需要你用50个单词描述


­  此外,





­  What historical moment or event do you wish you couldhavewitnessed? Stanford studentspossess an intellectual vitality. Reflect onan idea or experience that has beenimportant to your intellectualdevelopment. Virtually all of Stanford"s undergraduates live on campus.Write anote to your future roommate that reveals something aboutyou or that will helpyour roommate -- and us -- know you better。What matters to you, and why?

­  奇葩指数:★★



­  加州理工十分强调自己的荣誉制度,即任何人都不应该不公平地利用他人,看上去很简单的原则,




推荐申请 人查查历史上加州理工和麻省理工的互相攻击的恶作剧大战应该会有启发。

­  Caltech的学生曾佯装MIT的学生在MIT举办的校园参观日活动中向新生们发放免费的T恤。这些T恤乍一看印着大大的MIT字样,可打开T恤就会发现T恤的背面印有“becausenoteverybody can go toCaltech”的嘲讽话语。



­  1.Members of the Caltech community live, learn, andworkwithin an Honor System with one simple guideline; "No member shalltakeunfair advantage of any other member of the Caltechcommunity." Whileseemingly simple, questions of ethics, honestyand integrity are sometimeschallenging. Share an ethical dilemmathat has challenged you. How did yourespond? Your response is notlimited to academic situations.

­  2.Caltech students have long been known for their quirkysenseof humor and creative pranks. Please describe an unusual way inwhich youhave fun.

­  奇葩指数:★★☆



­  埃默里大学要求申请者



­  等我当上了教授一定给学生上堂这样的课,绝对妥妥的!



­  Imagine you are a professor, charged with teaching anewcourse. Emory University offers over 1,000 courses in a wide rangeofacademic subjects. You are free to choose whatever subject youwant. What classwould you create? What would you hope studentswould leave your class havinglearned?

­  奇葩指数:★★★



­  弗吉尼亚大学被誉为大众情人校,因为其EA阶段的申请人数量庞大,在中国地区的招生也较为宽松,但UVa的文书看上去也不是那么容易搞定哦。第一个题目就有点让人云里雾里,


­  第二题则要求申请者


­  第三题则更加无厘头,将莎士比亚的名句To be or not to be改为To tweet or not totweet ? 可中国申请者根本就Tweet不了啊!

­  这会是你的Stilling时刻吗?



­  In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discoveredanunpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in U.Va.’sSmallCollections Library. Where will your Stilling moment be incollege?We are acommunity with quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe oneof your quirks and why it is part of whoyou are.To tweet or not to tweet?

­  奇葩指数:★★★☆

­  维克森林大学虽然排名23,但在中国知名度并不高,也许这五篇,篇篇不寻常的文书题目吓住了不少申请者。第一题就不走寻常路,



­  第二题也是无根无据的要学生



­  第三题又使小编深深得陷入了沉思,Twitter到底下了多少血本在大学申请过程里面植入了这么多软广告!


­  下面是推特的广告时间:


Wake Forest University

­  1. What outrages you? What are you doingabout it?Tell us about a time when you stepped up against anoutrage in your community。

­  2. Give us your top ten list.

­  3. Some say social media is superficial, withno roomfor expressing deep or complex ideas. We challenge you todefy these skeptics bydescribing yourself as fully and accuratelyas possible in the 140-characterlimit of a tweet。

­  4. Research shows that members of GenerationY are more tolerant of difference than wereprevious generations atthis age - but also less likely to formclose bonds with those of differentdemographic or socioeconomicbackgrounds. How have you personally disproved thisgeneralization?

­  5. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "If I knowyoursect, I anticipate your argument." Describe a time when yourargumentchallenged a basic belief or viewpoint of your "sect.

­  奇葩指数: ★★★★



­  塔夫斯大学不仅在文书内容上推陈出新,还在形式上给学生更多空间。





­  A) “If you do not tell the truth about yourself youcannottell it about other people,” Virginia Woolf. Respond to Woolf’squote in the medium of yourchoice: prose, video , blog, digital portfolio, slampoetry... For media other thanwriting, pleaseshare a link that is easily accessible。

­  B) What makes you happy?

­  C) Sports, science and society are filled with rules,theoriesand laws like the Ninth Commandment, PV=nRT, Occam’s Razor, and TheLawof Diminishing Returns. Three strikes and you’re out. “I”before “E” exceptafter “C。” Warm air rises. Pick one and explainitssignificance to you.iEssay100.com

­  D) Celebrate your nerdy side。

­  E) The ancient Romans started it when they coined thephrase"Carpe diem." Jonathan Larson proclaimed "No day buttoday!" andmost recently, Drake explained You Only Live Once. Have you ever seized the day? Lived like therewas no tomorrow? Or perhaps you plan to shoutYOLO while jumping into something in thefuture. What does #YOLOmean to you?

­  奇葩指数: ★★★★



­  要谈奇葩的文书主题,夺魁的不是芝加哥大学很多人一定会跟我急!读完芝加哥大学文书主题,我的小伙伴们惊呼:不明觉厉!各位宝宝们好好感受下吧:


U Chicago

­  1.Winston Churchill believed "a joke isa very serious thing." From Off-Off Campus’s improvisations to the ShadyDealer humor magazine to the renowned Latke-Hamantash debate, we take humorvery seriously here at The University of Chicago . Tell usyour favorite joke and try to explain the joke without ruining it. -ChelseaFine, Class of 2016

­  2.In a famous quote by José Ortega y Gasset,the Spanish philosopher proclaims, "Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia". José Quintans, master of the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division atthe University of Chicago, sees it another way: "Yo soy yo y mimicrobioma" . You are you and your..? -Maria Viteri, Class of 2016

­  3.This is what history consists of. It"s thesum total of all the things they aren"t telling us.-- Don DeLillo, Libra. Whatis history, who are “they,” and what aren’t they telling us? -Amy Estersohn,Class of 2010

­  4.The mantis shrimp can perceive bothpolarized light and multispectral images; they have the most complex eyes inthe animal kingdom. Human eyes have color receptors for three colors ; the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color,enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the capacity of the human brain.Seriously, how cool is the mantis shrimp: mantisshrimp.uchicago.edu What mightthey be able to see that we cannot? What are we missing? -Tess Moran, Classof

­  5.How are apples and oranges supposed to becompared? Possible answers involve, but are not limited to, statistics,chemistry, physics, linguistics, and philosophy. -Florence Chan, Class of 2015

­  6.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, posea question of your own. If your prompt is original and thoughtful, then youshould have little trouble writing a great essay. Draw on your best qualitiesas a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, orfuture citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun。

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