Omission省译法;Please tell which translation is better?;Definition Omission is a translation technique opposite to amplification. In English-Chinese translation, it is generally used to achieve the effect of conciseness, especially in the case of English pronouns and functional words such as the article, the preposition, the conjunction, etc., which are indispensable in the SL text but not in the TL text. Besides, omission is also used in Chinese-English translation either to get rid of redundant wording or conform to idiomatic English expression.;Motivation;Three Principles;Classification;1. Omitting the Pronouns2. Omitting the Articles3. Omitting the Prepositions4. Omitting the Conjunctions5. Omitting the Verbs6. Omitting the Impersonal Pronoun “It”;1. Omitting the Pronouns;2. Omitting the Articles;But Some Articles Can Not Be Omitted!; 3. Omitting the Prepositions The difference between the two machines consists in power.这两台机器的差别在于功率不同。Our aircraft mother ship was cruising near Wake Island on December 2 when we heard hostilities were to begin on December 7.十二月二日我们的航空母舰正在威克岛附近巡航,这时听说战争要在十二月七日打响。;4.Omitting the Conjunctions; 5. Omitting the VerbsThe sun is bright, and the sky is clear.阳光灿烂,晴空万里。At present the foreign exchange market in New York is weak while the stock market is strong.目前纽约汇市低靡,而股市走高。 Because of economic crisis of the host country, this American multinational corporation has suffered the same great losses as the local companies.由于东道国的经济危机,美国的这家跨国公司同当地公司一样损失惨重。; 6. Omitting the Impersonal Pronoun “It”This formula makes it easy to determine the wavelength of sounds.此公式使声音波长的测定简单易行。It is required that the Scientific Outlook on Development be thoroughly applied to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects at the new stage of China’s development.中国在新的发展阶段要全面建设小康社会,就必须深入贯彻落实科学发展观。;1. Omitting the Words Implied in the Context2. Omitting the Meticulous Expressions in the Original3. Omitt

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